Jakob Johan Demant

Jakob Johan Demant


Office hours: Monday 11-12 in room 16.0.87 

Demant researches online/digital deviance from the perspective of microsociology, criminology, and digital sociology. In recent years, he has developed considerable expertise in the field of digital methods and has within his publications been part of describing how digital practices are both embedded, embodied and everyday live. He has also developed innovative new mixed methods methodological protocols for exploring digital deviance and encrypted crimes and was among the first scholars to make use of scraped platform data to understand Dark Net Drug dealing (Published 2018 in trends in Organized Crime). Recently he has addressed the social problem of imaged based abuse in publications that explain the logics of markets (2020, accepted in First Monday). Earlier works includes much-cited qualitative analysis of Young people’s alcohol use. Importantly he has a strong record of accomplishment in supervising young scholars leading them to PhD stipendiums in Denmark, Europe and beyond. Demant is part of the Culture and Civil Society researcher group at the Department. 

Demant runs the Microsociology of Online Deviance lab, where we runs two research projects. We invite master students to work on our data and with our ethical protocols, data structure etc. See mere here  

Udvalgte publikationer

  1. Youth Drinking in Public Places: The Production of Drinking Spaces in and Outside Nightlife Areas

    Demant, Jakob Johan & Landolt, S., jan. 2014, I: Urban Studies. 51, 1, s. 170-184 15 s.

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  2. Udgivet

    Constructing maturity through alcohol experience - Focus group interviews with teenagers

    Demant, Jakob Johan & Järvinen, Margaretha, dec. 2006, I: Addiction Research and Theory. 14, 6, s. 589-602

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