SMEIL: A domain-specific language for synchronous message exchange networks

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

  • Truls Asheim

Synchronous Message Exchange (SME) is a CSP-derived model for hardware designs implementing globally synchronous message passing. SME implementations currently exist for several general-purpose languages, some of which, are translatable to VHDL for subsequent implementation on hardware. A common SME language could reduce the duplication and feature disparity present in these independent implementations. This paper introduces a domain-specific language for implementing SME designs. It is usable both as a primary implementation language for SME models and as an intermediate target for general-purpose languages. We describe the language, its implementation and its features. Furthermore, we explain the specific requirements for a language within this domain. Finally, we evaluate the language through a number of simple, but realistic, hardware designs by showing how they may be implemented and tested.

TitelCommunicating Process Architectures 2017 and 2018, WoTUG-39 and WoTUG-40 - Proceedings of CPA 2017 (WoTUG-39) and Proceedings of CPA 2018 (WoTUG-40)
RedaktørerJan Baekgaard Pedersen, Kevin Chalmers, Jan F. Broenink, Brian Vinter, Kevin Vella, Peter H. Welch, Marc L. Smith, Kenneth Skovhede
ForlagIMIA and IOS Press
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781614999485
StatusUdgivet - 2019
Begivenhed40th WoTUG Conference on Communicating Process Architectures, CPA 2018 - Dresden, Tyskland
Varighed: 19 aug. 201822 aug. 2018


Konference40th WoTUG Conference on Communicating Process Architectures, CPA 2018
NavnConcurrent Systems Engineering Series

ID: 241090878