For companies
IT CAREER DAY at the University of Copenhagen is a unique opportunity for your company to meet undergraduate and graduate students from computer science and other IT-related programmes at the University of Copenhagen and talk to potential future employees.
Programme for IT Career Day
11.00 - 13.00 | Arrival and booth set-up |
12.00 - 14.30 | Lunch when you want it, in a separate room |
13.15 - 13.30 | Kick off |
13.00 - 17.00 | The booth area at IT Career Day is open |
16.30 - 18.00 | Friday bar |
17.00 - 18.00 | IT Career Day 2024 ends - dismantling of booths |
Not later than 18.00 | Your booth must be cleared |
We make sure you get:
- Food and drinks throughout the day
- Power supply at each booth (bring extra sockets and extension cords if you have power-hungry equipment)
- The number of high tables appropriate for the type of booth (read more about booths below)
- Wifi
- Set up our booth between 11 AM and 1 PM on the day of the event
- Take down your booth between 5 PM and 6 PM on the day of the event
- Bring everything you need for your booth high besides tables, e.g::
- Branding material such as roll-ups, flyers, job postings, etc.
- Technical equipment such as computers, screens, etc.
- Two people (or more) to stand in the booth
- The opportunity to contribute with posts on DIKU's social media about your participation when we announce the career day to the students.
When you sign up, choose the booth that best matches your needs. You can choose between:
- Premium booth á 5 m2 (3 high tables with space for 2-3 roll ups og 5 people)
- Standard booth á 2 m2 (2 high tables with space for 2 roll ups og 3 people)
- Compact booth á 1 m2 (1 high table with space for 1 roll up and 2 people)
Please note that there are a limited number of different types of booths. If one or more of the options are not listed in the registration form, it is because there are no more available booths of that type.
11 AM - 1 PM | Arrival and booth set-up |
12 AM - 2.30 PM | Lunch, when it suits you, in a separate room |
1.15 PM - 1.30 PM | Kick off |
1 PM - 5 PM | IT Career Day is open |
4.30 PM - 6 PM | The bar is open |
6.00 PM | IT Career Day 2023 comes to an end - tidying up |
7.00 PM | Your booth area must be cleared |
Please note that there will be photography and filming on the day. The material will be used to promote the IT Career Day on the University of Copenhagen and the Department of Computer Science's websites and official social media, in material printed by UCPH and to advertise future IT Career Days on the Department of Computer Science's website and official social media. In the registration form, you have the option to indicate that your booth may not be included in this.
When? Friday 3 May 2024 from 1 PM - 6 PM
Where? Vandrehallen, HCØ building, Universitetsparken 5, 2100 Kbh Ø
Meet students from
Computer Science
Information Science and Cultural Communication
Communication and IT
Health and Informatics
IT and Cognition
Quantum Information Science
Machine Learning and Data Science
Computer Science and Economy
Cognition and Data Science
All questions can be directed to club@di.ku.dk
Inge Hviid Jensen
Manager, DIKU Business Club