Anytime, anywhere learning supported by smart phones: Experiences and results from the MUSIS project

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In this paper we report the results of our on-going activities regarding the use of smart phones and mobile services in university classrooms. The purpose of these trials was to explore and identify which content and services could be delivered to the smart phones in order to support learning and communication in the context of university studies. The activities were conducted within the MUSIS (Multicasting Services and Information in Sweden) project where more than 60 students from different courses at Växjö University (VXU) and Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) participated during the course of their studies. Generally, the services integrated transparently into students' previous experience with mobile phones. Students generally perceived the services as useful to learning; interestingly, attitudes were more positive if the instructor adapted pedagogical style and instructional material to take advantage of the distinctive capabilities of multicasting. To illustrate, we describe a number of educational mobile services we have designed and implemented at VXU and BTH. We conclude with a discussion and recommendations for increasing the potential for successful implementation of multicasting mobile services in higher education, including the importance of usability, institutional support, and tailored educational content.

TidsskriftEducational Technology and Society
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)62-70
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - okt. 2007

ID: 256264750