Co-Calibrating Physical and Psychological Outcomes and Consumer Wearable Activity Outcomes in Older Adults: An Evaluation of the coQoL Method

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Inactivity, lack of sleep, and poor nutrition predispose individuals to health risks. Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) assess physical behaviours and psychological states but are subject of self-reporting biases. Conversely, wearables are an increasingly accurate source of behavioural Technology-Reported Outcomes (TechROs). However, the extent to which PROs and TechROs provide convergent information is unknown. We propose the coQoL PRO-TechRO co-calibration method and report its feasibility, reliability, and human factors influencing data quality. Thirty-nine seniors provided 7.4 ± 4.4 PROs for physical activity (IPAQ), social support (MSPSS), anxiety/depression (GADS), nutrition (PREDIMED, SelfMNA), memory (MFE), sleep (PSQI), Quality of Life (EQ-5D-3L), and 295 ± 238 days of TechROs (Fitbit Charge 2) along two years. We co-calibrated PROs and TechROs by Spearman rank and reported human factors guiding coQoL use. We report high PRO—TechRO correlations (rS≥ 0.8) for physical activity (moderate domestic activity—light+fair active duration), social support (family help—fair activity), anxiety/depression (numeric score—sleep duration), or sleep (duration to sleep—sleep duration) at various durations (7–120 days). coQoL feasibly co-calibrates constructs within physical behaviours and psychological states in seniors. Our results can inform designs of longitudinal observations and, whenever appropriate, personalized behavioural interventions.
TidsskriftJournal of Personalized Medicine
Udgave nummer4
Antal sider86
StatusUdgivet - 31 okt. 2020

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ID: 251902136