Mobile health care: Towards a commercialization of research results

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

  • Dimitri Konstantas
  • Richard Bults
  • Aart Van Halteren
  • Wac, Katarzyna
  • Val Jones
  • Ing Widya
  • Rainer Herzog
  • Barbara Streimelweger

MobiHealth1 and HealthService241 are two major EU projects targeting the development and validation, with extensive medical trials, of innovative systems and services for mobile health care. Biosignals are measured by sensor devices connected to a wireless Body Area Network. These signals are transmitted reliably and securely over public wireless networks (e.g. GPRS, UMTS) to a remote healthcare organisation where healthcare professionals can monitor, diagnose and provide advice to patients in real time. The developed system and its services is in the last phase of the pre-commercial validation, expecting a commercial release of the system late 2006.

TitelEuropean Conference on eHealth 2006, Proceedings of the ECEH 2006
Antal sider12
Publikationsdato1 dec. 2006
ISBN (Trykt)9783885791850
StatusUdgivet - 1 dec. 2006
Begivenhed1st European Conference on eHealth, ECEH 2006 - Fribourg, Schweiz
Varighed: 12 okt. 200613 okt. 2006


Konference1st European Conference on eHealth, ECEH 2006
NavnEuropean Conference on eHealth 2006, Proceedings of the ECEH 2006

ID: 225419293