Narrow proofs may be maximally long

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

We prove that there are 3-CNF formulas over n variables that can be refuted in resolution in width w but require resolution proofs of size nω(w). This shows that the simple counting argument that any formula refutable in width w must have a proof in size nO(ω) is essentially tight. Moreover, our lower bounds can be generalized to polynomial calculus resolution (PCR) and Sherali-Adams, implying that the corresponding size upper bounds in terms of degree and rank are tight as well. Our results do not extend all the way to Lasserre, however-the formulas we study have Lasserre proofs of constant rank and size polynomial in both n and w.

TitelProceedings - IEEE 29th Conference on Computational Complexity, CCC 2014
Antal sider12
ForlagIEEE Computer Society Press
ISBN (Trykt)9781479936267
StatusUdgivet - 2014
Eksternt udgivetJa
Begivenhed29th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, CCC 2014 - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Varighed: 11 jun. 201413 jun. 2014


Konference29th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, CCC 2014
ByVancouver, BC
SponsorCommittee on Mathematical, Foundations of Computing, IEEE Computer Society Technical
NavnProceedings of the Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity

ID: 251870042