Phone in the pocket: Pervasive self-tracking of physical activity levels

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningfagfællebedømt

Mobile (smart)phones prevail in our daily life activities, and in our research we aim for it to provide pervasive services for wellness. Therefore, we assess the phone's feasibility to unobtrusively, continuously and in real-time track its user's physical activity and the resulting energy expenditure (EE). Activity Level Estimator (ALE) is an Android OS application developed for that purpose. We have assessed the accuracy of ALE against the BodyMedia SenseWear (SW) device and the gold standard for EE estimation, i.e., an indirect calorimetry (IC) method. ALE has mean accuracy of 86% (vs. SW) to 93% (vs. IC) for walking, and in 24h it underestimates EE by 23% ALE is currently used for a long-term behavioral trends study with the University of Geneva students and faculty.

TitelSelf-Tracking and Collective Intelligence for Personal Wellness - Papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium
Antal sider2
Publikationsdato20 aug. 2012
ISBN (Trykt)9781577355540
StatusUdgivet - 20 aug. 2012
Eksternt udgivetJa
Begivenhed2012 AAAI Spring Symposium - Stanford, CA, USA
Varighed: 26 mar. 201228 mar. 2012


Konference2012 AAAI Spring Symposium
ByStanford, CA

ID: 203870931