DIKU Alumni Day 2021
50 years ago, Computer Science really took shape in Denmark. Since Peter Naur defined the concept of “datalogi” and in 1972 founded the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen "DIKU", computer science researchers and students have formed the basis for our society's accelerating technological transformation. Today, Denmark is officially the European champion in digitization.
DIKU Alumni Day is therefore held in the wake of the 50th anniversary.
Tid: 16.00 - 16.30
Sted: Auditorium 2, H.C. Ørsted Instituttet, Universitetsparken 5, 2100 København Ø
- Valg af dirigent
- Valg af referent
- Godkendelse af dagsorden
- Bestyrelsens beretning
- Behandling af emner og forslag modtaget fra alumner. Forslag til dagsordenen kan fremsendes af medlemmer til bestyrelsen på alumni@di.ku.dk indtil 3 uger før generalforsamlingen.
- Afstemning om evt. forslag
- Valg af bestyrelse:
- Ioana Mogensen (bestyrelsesformand ) – på valg
- Simon Søe Nissen (bestyrelsesmedlem) – på valg
- Peter Carstensen (bestyrelsesmedlem) – ikke på valg
- Gorm Raabo Larsen (bestyrelsesmedlem) – ikke på valg
- Eventuelt.
DIKU Alumni Day 2021- Talks and Entertainment
After the general assembly we will move on to the festive Alumni Day programme - which in honour of DIKU's (postponed) 50 year anniversary will have both flashbacks to DIKU's early days and more modern parts.
16.30 - 16.45 | Welcome - and how is the state of affairs at DIKU? by Jakob Grue Simonsen, Head of Department, DIKU |
16.45 - 17.15 |
Søren Lauesen and Peter Johansen - co-founders of DIKU talking about the good old days back in 1970 when the department was founded. |
17.15 - 17.30 |
Mads Nielsen, professor and former head of department of DIKU - presently involved in several new initiatives of networking and collaboration - e.g. DIREC and the new AI Pioneer Centre. |
17.30 - 17.40 |
Short break |
17.40 - 17.55 |
Isabelle Augenstein - Associate Professor and Head of the NLP Research Section, about explainable NLP (Natural Language Processing) i.e. how to understand the inner workings of NLP models. |
17.55 - 18.10 |
Joanna Bergström - Associate Professor, about perspectives of using Virtual Reality for Movement Learning |
18.10 - 18.25 |
Tuukka Ruotsalo - Associate Professor, introduces us to Cognitive interfacing with data: how can we make human cognitive system interact with artificial intelligence? |
18.25 - 18.45 |
The DIKU Revy has existed since the 1970's. Revyboss Torben Milhøj has compiled a potpourri of classic DIKU revyhits. |
18.45 - 21:00 | Reception, tapas, beer, wine, soft drinks and entertainment by the notorious DIKU band Press Play on Tape playing covering tunes from old computer games dating back to good old Commodore 64. |
Follow the DIKU Alumni Day by streaming
Registration has closed - you can follow the talk session using this link:
Mød også / Meet i.a.
Ioana Mogensen
Anders Rostgaard Bystrup
Agnete Jensen
Torben Mogensen
Daniel Hershcovich
Anders Bondorf
Niels Qvistgaard
Svend Olaf Mikkelsen
Claus E. Mikkelsen
Marcho Markov
Uffe Ougaard
Tobias Uldall-Espersen
Peter Carstensen
Gorm Raabo Larsen
Bo Vincent Thomsen
Jacob Berlin Rasmussen
Niels Christensen
Jarl Friis
Mads Nielsen
Christian Edsberg Møllgaard
Carsten Gyrn
Hanne Breddam
Haktan Bulut
Tom Skovgaard
Bent Nielsen
Frederik Frydenberg
Viggo Nis Kørst
Tommy Olesen
Asger Alstrup Palm
Lise Oline Larsen
Kristen Nielsen
Martin Winge Andersen
Jesper Damkjær
Marko Milic
Birgitte Tågholt
Henriette Vang-Lauridsen
Eric Zou
Jesper Niemann Andersen
Kristian de Lichtenberg
Martin Koch
Anders Borum
Jacob Holm
Michael Knudsen
Jens Peter Secher
Rabia Granlund
Karoline Malmkjær
Andrzej Filinski
Malene Bolding
Uffe Donslund
Birgitte Ejsing
Kristian Nielsen
Anker Helms Jørgensen
Rolf Molich
Raghavendra Selvan
Michael Kirkedal Thomsen
Lotte Jensen
Philip Munksgaard
Sandeep Singh Sengar
Valeria Borsotti
Martin Elsman
Yibin Xu
Satyasaran Changdar
Martin Damgaard Lorensen
Nadav Borenstein
Nathalia Krøigaard Jørgensen
yijie zhang
Jon Sporring
Pimin Konstantin Kefaloukos
Lenka Otap
Valkyrie Savage
Frederik Rønn
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
Peter Larsen
Jens Mathiesen
Vagn Knudsen
Nikolaj Berg Amondsen
Christian Boesgaard
Ulla Milsted
Steffen larsen
Verginia larsen
Stephen Alstrup
Finn Schiermer Andersen
Michael Folkmann
Hans-Henrik Kaaber
Torben Olai Milhøj
Charlotte Pii Lunau
Kristoffer Søholm
Alexander Olsen
Sarah Willumsen
Daniel Spikol
Martin Dybdal
Tuukka Ruotsalo
Bodil Qvistgaard
Jens Brix Christiansen
Bodil Schrøder
Kirsten Precht
Birthe Christensen
Johanne Maria Pedersen
Abrahim Borgi
Birthe Ilsøe Hougaard
Joachim Kristensen
Sebastian Paaske Tørholm
Morten Osted
Anders Markussen
Nadine Sandjo
Davy Eskildsen
Martin Lillholm
Pernille Bjørn
Inge Osted
Emil Sander Bak
Kaare Danielsen