DIKU Bits: Modeling financial and commercial contracts in a domain-specific language

Portait of UlrikSpeaker

Ulrik Rasmussen, Software Developer and Researcher at Deon Digital.


In a financial contract, it is important that all parties agree on its current state, that is: what has happened so far, and what obligations are due next? When these questions are to be answered by software systems, it is important that all participants implement the same rules.

I will present CSL, a domain-specific language for writing digital representations of paper contracts designed to be readable to domain-experts with limited programming experience. 

Zooming in on Ulrik

I am a software developer and researcher at Deon Digital, a Swiss/Danish/German company that provides technology for turning paper contracts into digital contracts. I primarily work on the design and implementation of our contract specification language.

Before that, I did my bachelor's, master's and PhD at DIKU. During my PhD, I taught the courses Logic in Computer Science and Advanced Java.

Which technology/research/projects/startup are you excited to see the evolution of?
The slow but steady adoption of sound language design theory into mainstream programming languages.

What is your favorite sketch from the DIKUrevy?
Postfaktuel logik, DIKUrevy 2018