DIKU Alumni event on cybersecurity

Glæd dig til en spændende og hyggelig eftermidddag i alumners selskab om sikkerhedskritiske og aktuelle temaer.
16.30-16.45 | Ankomst og registrering | |
16.45-16.50 | Forperson i DIKU alumneforening Ioana Mogensen byder velkommen | |
16.50-17.15 |
Oplæg ved Claus E. Mikkelsen/Chief Consultant i Nordea: CyberVault and Immutable Copies How do institutionally critical functions like banks and governments protect their data against ransomware attacks? In this talk Claus will give you answers to security questions like: What is a cybervault? What is an immutable copy? How does it help against ransomware attacks? Is this relevant for your organization? Can a ransomware attack be discovered before it is too late? |
17.15-17.40 |
Oplæg ved David Nykjær, CEO | CEO i 2ndC, CTO i SIVIS Group How do customers cope with requirements for CIS Controls by using Identity and Access Management for achieving compliance.” In this talk, David will give an overview to the security framework CIS Controls v8 in relation to Identity & Access Management and talk a bit about the different safeguards based on what Implementation group your organization is in, and the benefit it will provide the organization from a security perspective. |
17.40-18.00 | Discussion, networking, coffee and cake and refreshments |