Dive into the latest AI technologies and join a knowledge exchange course

How can your company gain insights about the latest AI technologies - and how can these be applied to your business?
Now you have the opportunity to become a part of the new European Digital Innovation Hub Community and participate in a curriculum involving AI technologies that we refer to as 'Deep Dives'.
The University of Copenhagen, the Technical University of Denmark, and Copenhagen Business School are partners in the EU financed project European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH). The goal is to create new networks and communities for companies that want to look into the universities' research environments and get the opportunity to learn more about some of the innovative technologies that could be relevant to your business.
The Deep Dive course at the University of Copenhagen includes:
30 October 2023, 3:00-5:30 pm. Introduction meeting
Venue: Sigurdsgade 41, 2200 København N
- Visit to the University's research laboratories with demonstration of lab facilities, including robot lab and HPC lab
- Presentation by Lab Manager Morten Engell-Nørregaard of the possibilities of using the department's lab facilities and high-performance computing resources
- Presentation by Associate Professor Tariq Andersen: 'How to bridge the gap between AI Development, user interface design, and successful implementation'
- Introduction to technologies presented at the Digital Tech Summit.
8 and 9 November 2023, both days, conference (free entry)
Venue: Digital Tech Summit, Øksnehallen, Halmtorvet 11, Vesterbro
Get a guided tour to selected sessions and technologies with one of our innovation consultants as your guide
Meet selected researchers and get the opportunity to discuss technologies and collaboration.
Week 5 - 31 January or 1 February, Follow-up meeting at the University of Copenhagen
Presentation and discussion of future opportunities for collaboration. For example, you can hear about:
- Projects and funding
- The project EuroCC (on high performance computing)
- Innovation clusters
- The EDIH project
- DIKU Business Club and opportunities of collaboration with the university.
How to join:
Sign up for the first meeting on 30 October 2023 by clicking the registration link (top right). We have a maximum of 15 participants, and the seats will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.