AI Meets Life Science and Biotech Symposium

The symposium will explore modern AI and machine learning as drivers for scientific discovery and far-reaching applications within life science, health science and biotech. Crucial in this transformation is the ability to extract meaningful associations and causalities from messy real-world data – a paradigm shift from more traditional data analysis. In this workshop we take a snapshot look at how modern machine learning and AI currently transform areas like medical research and clinical practice.



Registration and coffee


Welcome and introduction


Scientific session A: Health

Chair: Mads Nielsen (KU)

Keynote speakers:

  • Kasper Lage (Broad Institute): Title TBA

  •  Veronika Cheplygina (ITU): Machine learning for medical imaging: shortcomings and recommendations

  • Simon Rasmussen (UCPH): Applying unsupervised deep learning and generative models to understand biological data


Coffee break


Scientific session B: Life Science and Biotech

Chair: Anders Krogh (KU)

Keynote speakers:

  •  Janne Kool (Wageningen University): Weeds, plant diseases and species rich grassland, increasing data usage to decrease our impact.

  • Palle Duun Rohde (AUU): Title TBA

  • Ole Winther (UCPH, DTU and Rigshospitalet):  DeepTMHMM predicts alpha and beta transmembrane proteins using deep neural networks

  • Wouter Boomsma (UCPH): Learning Meaningful Representations of Protein Sequences


Networking and drinks

The workshop is co-organised by the Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence (P1), the Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA), and the Center for Basic Machine Learning in Life Science (MLLS).

The workshop is facilitated and hosted by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. For any questions, please contact Scientific Director Morten Bache, Novo Nordisk Foundation,