DIKU Alumnedag 2022

Talere fra DIKU Alumnedagen 2021
Fra Alumnedagen 2021

DIKU Alumneforening inviterer sammen med DIKU Business Club til den årlige alumnedag.

Du kan bl.a. møde og høre oplæg af Professor og leder af Pioneer Centre for AI Serge Belongie, lektor Boris Düdder, adjunkt Valkyrie Savage, professor Barry Brown. Vi har derudover inviteret Carsten Lassen, direktør for Specialisterne Danmark, til at fortælle om deres særlige mission.

Som noget nyt tilbyder vi dig mulighed for at vælge, om du vil sidde sammen med folk fra din egen årgang til receptionen. Du kan også vælge, om du ønsker dit navn vist på  hjemmesiden.

Hvis du kigger langt efter annoncering af generalforsamlingen, så skyldes det, at den er udskudt til alumneforeningens juleevent 24. november. Bestyrelsesformand Ioana Mogensen vil på alumnedagen løfte lidt af sløret for talerne til juleeventet....!

Vi har lukket for tilmeldingen, men du kan følge oplægsprogrammet via live streaming - klik på linket øverst til højre.

Hvis du har et meget højt ønske om at deltage fysisk, så send en mail til alumni@di.ku.dk og forhør dig, om vi har en ledig plads


17.00 - 17.15
Registration and mingling
17.15 - 17.30
Welcome - and the State of Affairs at DIKU
by Jakob Grue Simonsen, Head of Department, DIKU
17.30 - 17.45

Serge Belongie, Director, Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Professor, Department of Computer Science (DIKU)

Scientific talk: Searching for Structure in Unfalsifiable Claims

While advances in automated fact-checking are critical in the fight against the spread of misinformation in social media, we argue that more attention is needed in the domain of unfalsifiable claims. In this talk, we outline some promising directions for identifying the prevailing narratives in shared content (image & text) and explore how the associated learned representations can be used to identify misinformation campaigns and sources of polarization.

17.45 - 18.00

Boris Düdder Associate Professor, Section for Software, Data, People & Society

Security talk: Trustworthiness vs. Security and Efficiency

When aiming at achieving optimal security, optimal efficiency and also meeting climate targets in a system - how do you handle the trade-off between these goals?

18.00 - 18.20

Carsten Lassen, direktør for Specialisterne Danmark

Specialisterne – Employ Different Thinking

Erhvervslivet er ved at forstå at deres medarbejdere tilsammen udgør en neurodivers gruppe. Alle hjerner tænker forskelligt, skal stimuleres forskellig, motiveres forskelligt – og ledes forskelligt. Hidtil har alle ledelsesværktøjer fokuseret på de 70-80 procent, som vi definerer som neurotypiske. Men faktum er, at op mod 20 % af en given arbejdsstyrke er det, vi kalder neurodivergente. Det kan være de har træk der peger i retning af autistisk adfærd, det kan være ADHD, ordblindhed, OCD mm. Det, de har til fælles, er oftest stærke faglige kompetencer, der alt for ofte ikke bliver udnyttet optimalt – og det taber alle jo på.

Specialisterne har gjort det til deres mission at uddanne arbejdsmarkedet til at skabe de bedste rammer for alle medarbejdere. De driver et særligt akademi – Specialisterne Academy - for IT kyndige kandidater, der har brug for lidt ekstra coaching for at lande i det helt rigtige job, og de driver ledertræningsprogrammer rettet mod virksomheder, der har indset vigtigheden i at øge deres tiltrækningskraft overfor nyt talent ved at blive mere robuste.

18.20 - 18.30

Short break

18.30 - 18.45

Barry Alan Brown, professor, Section for Human-Centred-Computing

The halting problem: When self-driving cars stop in traffic

Despite early successes, building self-driving vehicles is clearly a massive long-term challenge. In this talk I will describe our work studying the testing of self driving cars on public roads, in particular, the Tesla ‘FSD beta’, and the Waymo driverless taxi service. While the cars featured in these videos can (mostly) navigate the physical environment of the road, it is clear that they still face multiple challenges in communicating with other drivers.

The road is a surprisingly social space, and this creates major challenges for self-driving cars to both communicate their actions to others, but also to see how others communicate to them. In particular, self-driving cars often halt suddenly on the road. While these behaviours do not break any traffic rules (and in many cases is the safe thing to do) they break the sequential and temporal expectations of road interaction. I conclude by discussing what implications this might have for the prospect of safe self-driving cars being available soon.

18.45 - 19.00

Valkyrie Savage

Scientific Talk: AirLogic : 3D Printing Ideas from the 1960s to Create Electronics-free Interactive Objects with Input, Output, and Computation

One popular topic in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research is how to help people create new interactive devices, like video game controllers or toys. After important patents expired in 2011, 3D printers have become a popular tool for this. However, 3D printers are generally used to create only the shell of an object; the shell is then filled with wires and electronics in order to make the object functional. We explored using a practically-abandoned research area from the 1960s called fluerics, which leveraged streams of fluid as a computational medium in lieu of electronics. The structures needed for fluerics are compatible modern 3D printers, and we demonstrate integrating them with various pneumatic inputs and outputs in a system we call AirLogic. AirLogic devices can perform basic computation on user inputs and create visible, audible, or haptic feedback; yet they do not require electronic circuits, physical assembly, or resetting between uses.

19.00 -

Thank you and short trailer for the Christmas event 24 November 2022 by Head of the DIKU Alumni Board, Ioana Mogensen. ....and then we proceed to the Reception buffet with tapas, beer, wine, and soft drinks in the Canteen Area at HCØ.