For studerende

Tilmeld dig til IT Karrieredag den 6. maj 2022, hvor du har muligheden for at møde en lang række interessante virksomheder - måske din fremtidige arbejdsgiver. Nu endelig igen i fysisk form!

Hvem kan du møde?

I højre side kan du se listen over virksomheder, der allerede har tilmeldt sig.  Der er både  nationale og internationale virksomheder fra start-ups til de helt store, som favner en lang række områder så som FinTech, transportteknologi, offentlig IT, læring, business intelligence, data management, 3D scanning, spiludvikling og meget mere.

Hvad får du ud af at deltage?

Få indsigt i hvilke karriereveje, du kan vælge, og hvad virksomhederne er på udkig efter. Skab personlig kontakt til de virksomheder, der interesserer dig, og find ud af hvilke kompetencer og færdigheder, de forskellige stillinger kræver. Karrieredagen kan både være din indgang til et job efter studiet samt studiejobs, erhvervsprojekter og samarbejde med virksomhederne.


  • 1 Minute of Madness
    Få en lynintroduktion af alle virksomheder. Hver virksomhed har ét minut og ét slide til at præsentere sig selv. Det giver dig mulighed for at få et hurtigt overblik over alle virksomheder, så du efterfølgende kan fokusere på lige præcis de virksomheder, der interesserer dig, når du skal besøge dem i standene.

  • CV Bar
    Mangler du det gode CV til at præsentere din profil for virksomhederne? Så kan du hente assistance hos Jobindex, som står klar til hjælpe dig. Hvis du ønsker det, indsamler vi CV'er, som vi fremsender til virksomhederne efter Karrieredagen, så de kan følge op på eventuelle jobmuligheder. Medbring dit nuværende CV - gerne både digitalt og printversion - og få gode råd til at gøre det helt skarpt.

  • Company Dating
    Få 10 minutters en-til-en-samtale med op til seks virksomheder. Der er nu fyldt op til Company Dating og registrering lukket.

  • Mad og drikkevarer for alle
    Sidst på eftermiddagen vil der være mad og øl og sodavand til alle deltagende studerende.


13.00 IT Karrieredag 2022 åbner
13.15 Kick-off i Auditorium 1
Velkomst v/ DIKU Business Club Manager Inge Hviid Jensen og Institutleder Jakob Grue Simonsen
1 Minute of Madness v/alle deltagende virksomheder
13.00 - 17.00 CV Bar - sign up hos Jobindex og få tid til en individuel konsultation
15.00 - 16.00 Company Dating (foregår i tre undervisningslokaler på svalegangen på 1. sal)
17.00 Mad og drikke
18.00 IT Karrieredag 2022 slutter

Vi gør opmærksom på, at der vil blive fotograferet og filmet på dagen. Materialet bruges til omtale af IT Karrieredag på Københavns Universitets og Datalogisk Instituts hjemmesider og officielle sociale medier, i materiale trykt af KU samt til annoncering af fremtidige IT Karrieredage på Datalogisk Instituts hjemmeside og officielle sociale medier.





(Opdateres løbende)

Her kan du læse om de deltagende virksomheder og se hvilke profiler, de søger.


Novo Nordisk is the world leader in diabetes care. To continue our business success, we need to attract highly qualified people – this includes bachelor's students, pre and post-graduate master's students, Ph.D. students, and Postdocs as well as medical doctors in the early stages of their careers.

Find practical information about our career programs as well as our event calendar where you can see upcoming dates or come meet us at an upcoming career fair or event.

Novo Nordisk logo



Er du interesseret i in-house softwareudvikling? Og vil du arbejde med software, som gør en forskel?

Hos cBrain får du mulighed for at arbejde med dygtige kolleger, der har en høj faglighed inden for deres felt. Vi er alle passioneret omkring software og vi er stolte af det vi laver. Da vores F2 platform udvikles in-house i cBrain, kan du som udvikler sætte dit præg på udviklingen af vores F2-produkt.

Kom godt fra start
I cBrain er det vigtigt, at du føler dig godt taget imod fra start. Efter et grundigt introduktionsforløb til vores F2 platform, metode og processer samt vores værdier og kultur vil du opleve at cBrain er en arbejdsplads, hvor der er højt til loftet, og vi vægter vidensdeling og samarbejde på tværs af afdelinger højt.

Bliv en del af en faglig og social virksomhed i vækst
Kulturen i cBrain er uformel, vi lægger vægt på, at vi har det godt med hinanden og der er stor tilslutning til medarbejderdrevne aktiviteter såsom løbe-, gaming-, og badmintonklub.
Vi sætter pris på hinanden og tror på, at det er vigtigt at have det sjovt sammen, mens vi arbejder, samtidig med at vi er både ambitiøse og professionelle. Vi værdsætter en høj faglighed og passion for software.
cBrain tilbyder vores medarbejdere stor frihed under ansvar, da det er vigtigt for os, at den enkelte medarbejder har en sund balance mellem arbejds- og privatliv.   

Hvem er cBrain?
cBrain er et børsnoteret dansk softwarehus grundlagt i 2002. Med vores F2 platform hjælper vi offentlige myndigheder med at skabe målbar effektivisering gennem digitalisering af forretnings- og vidensprocesser. Mere end 75 danske myndigheder, herunder 17 ud af de 21 danske ministerier, har indført F2 som deres digitale platform.

cBrains satsning er i fremtiden på levering af klimasoftware til offentlige myndigheder, således at myndighederne digitalt og derved mere effektivt kan opnå deres klimamål.

Vi bor på Østerbro og har i dag ca. 170 medarbejdere. 

cBrains logo



Vil du være med til at digitalisere fremtidens bank og realkredit?

I Nykredit kan du være med til at udvikle løsninger til boligejere og bankkunder i hele Danmark. Vores kunder skal have solide og sikre digitale oplevelser – og det er den fælles opgave, som knap 500 kolleger sætter strøm til i Nykredits digitaliseringsenhed ’Digital, Change & IT.

Vi er et community af tech-skarpe kolleger med kompetencer i alt fra arkitektur, analyse, business intelligence, advanced analytics og machine learning til robotteknologi, processer, softwareudvikling, sikkerhed, UX og design. De fleste af os arbejder i tværfaglige teams sammen med forretningen og bruger agile arbejdsmetoder – som oftest Scrum. I Nykredit vil du være omgivet af engagerede og ambitiøse kolleger. Og tillid og respekt skal være bærende i måden, vi møder hinanden og vores kunder på.

Nykredits logo


Sopra Steria, a European Tech leader recognised for our consulting, digital services and software development. We help our clients drive their digital transformation and obtain tangible and sustainable benefits. We place people at the heart of everything we do, and we are committed to making the most of digital technology to build a positive future for our clients.

Our offices are in the beautiful Copenhagen at Midtermolen 1, and we are 59 great colleagues to guide and support you.

We offer

As a Graduate at Sopra Steria, you have the opportunity to work with some of Denmark's most exciting customers and have a shared responsibility in developing and advising our customers in data, digital transformation and digitization projects.

Please note that our corporate language is danish.




MongoDB helps software developers to build faster and build smarter by providing a broad data platform. A database is the heart of any application, and as an intern, you can have a high impact in the software industry.




Want companies to notice you?

 Meet us at the CV-bar and let us help you with your CV.

 We also have an exhibition stand together with Computerworld it-jobbank. Here we will help you create your CV at the Jobindex CV-database. Everyday companies and recruiters around the country search at our vast database for relevant profiles – want them to find you early in the process?

 Stop by our stand and let us guide you.

Jobindex Logo



Curious about the possibilities of working with innovation & entrepreneurship at University of Copenhagen?

SCIENCE Innovation Hub provides shared office facilities at UCPH with room for entrepreneurial students. We are a place for students with business ideas in need of sparring and community to go from idea to business.

You can also gain ECTS by doing a project in practice in your own idea.

Drop by our stand to learn more or visit our website and book a meeting.



Since 2005, Dalux has worked to make the construction industry smarter and more efficient. Our user-friendly digital tools and BIM technology (3D building information models) are currently used by leading contractors, builders, and advisors in 147 countries.

 Dalux push the limits BIM technology (3D building information models) ensuring smarter and more sustainable work processes in the construction industry. In recent years, we have launched a number of world news, including the world’s fastest mobile BIM-viewer and BIM-based Augmented Reality for mobile devices. To remain in our industry-leading position and sustain our rapid growth we need bright minds passionate about IT.

Dalux's logo



Netcompany is the fastest growing and most successful IT service company in Northern Europe. Today, we lead the way with digitalization in Northern Europe, building modern IT solutions and introducing advanced use of technology for large global customer, side by side in agile teams. 

Netcompany leads the way in the next generation of IT consulting, with keen focus on Customer Value, Speed and Guaranteed delivery. We build IT solutions through agile delivery methods with speed to market. Our solutions are based on modern legacy free technology and industry standards. We build scalable robust solutions that will adapt to changing business needs, fully anchored in the organization.

We know what it takes to build, operate, and maintain IT solutions across all sectors and industries. We constantly challenge, innovate and ensure that Development and Operations resources work together to ensure stability with speed.

Netcompany’s vision is to be the leading digital Challenger in Northern Europe. We help Northern European businesses become future digital winners. The clients of Netcompany are large companies from a diverse array of industries and the public sector.

We are headquartered in Copenhagen, and besides the offices in Denmark, we are located in UK, Netherlands, Poland, Norway and Vietnam, with an employee count of more than 6,500+.

Netcompanys logo



Unlike the others we are not a company presenting job openings 

We are part of Copenhagen Municipality and are offering two programs for international students, sponsored by different cooperative partners, with the goal of preparing you for a career in Denmark.  

Greater Copenhagen Career Program, lasting for 6 months. The program includes different events, including:  

  • Company visits and matchmaking activities
  • Job search seminars: CV, cover letter and LinkedIn
  • Presentation Technique: How to present yourself in a networking or job interview situation
  • You will also be matched with a personal career mentor

We find the program most beneficial if you participate during the second to last semester of your studies (Bachelor, Master or PhD). The activities take place in the afternoon and evening hours and you are expected to take part in 1-2 activities a month.

Head Start, a two-day course including:

  • Job search seminars: CV, cover letter and LinkedIn
  • Presentation Technique: How to present yourself in a networking situation
  • 1-1 feedback on job search with one of our business consultants

Head Start is targeted students in the beginning of their bachelor or master's degree. 



We are four former DIKU PhD students in algorithms and machine learning building the world’s first causal AutoML company. We provide our customers with lifetime value and treatment effect predictions to help them acquire better users, and improve their retention.

For the backend, we use PyTorch on GCP and methods from deep learning and causal ML, with a lot of data pipelines using Beam and DBT, and we love serverless.

We use D3 and React with for the frontend.

We sit in Nørrebro, and we are building something big.

Churneys logo



DHI is an innovative global advisory company (>1100 people) where we integrate deep domain knowledge with advanced digital technology to solve pressing environmental challenges in water use, management, and protection of water ecosystems. Founded in 1964, our credibility is built on over 50 years of dedicated research and real-world experience across global water industries. Our technology is current, with machine learning and cloud computing as established part of our tech stack. 

Working in the Technology & Innovation division at DHI, you will be part of a diverse and highly skilled team. You will quickly be able to take on responsibility and grow your reach, working on projects within DHI’s global consultancy business, cooperation closely with global organizations like the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), public bodies such as municipalities, and research and development drivers such as the European Space Agency (ESA). Often, we partner with other companies and work on highly technical projects, including the research tracks of big players like Google and Microsoft.

As an international organization, knowing or learning Danish is great, but not required. English is our daily working language to cooperate closely with our colleague across the world. We value in-real-life interaction at DHI’s fresh and modern headquarters in the green DTU Science Park in Hørsholm and you can work remotely, too.

Join us on our mission to work for our blue planet!

DHIs logo



Who is Koncern IT?

We work towards digitalizing the biggest workplace in Denmark. We have a high degree of professionalism and are enthusiastic about new technologies. We exploit our many different professional competences, and together we make room for more welfare and make the everyday easier for the citizens in Copenhagen.

How do we use IT?

In Koncern IT, we utilize advanced technologies such as machine learning, robotic process automation, business intelligence and process mining. In Koncern IT we continually search for new digital opportunities to improve the work in the municipality. Besides that, web development, IT architecture, database management and IT operations are among our core work areas. Through all this we automate work processes, make casework smarter and more accurate and gain knowledge of the vast amount of data generated every day.

What are my options?

We hire and combine a lot of different profiles and there are great opportunities for acquiring new competencies and developing your professional skills.

In addition to this, we have two graduate programs where you get to work in different departments to try out and build your skills.

Koncern ITs logo



Hvem er HOFOR?
HOFOR er Hovedstadsområdets Forsyningsselskab. Vi skaber bæredygtige byer baseret på klima- og miljøvenlige forsyningsløsninger.
Vi er et team på 1400 medarbejdere, der udvikler, bygger nyt og renoverer, så vi hver dag kan levere grønne, sikre og billige forsyningsløsninger til mere end en million mennesker i hovedstadsområdet.
I HOFOR har vi en IT-afdeling på mere end 100 dedikerede medarbejdere, som i fællesskab har ansvaret for koncernens IT på tværs af alle områder.
IT-afdelingen er inddelt i fire områder som er henholdsvis Digitalisering, IT Produktion & Distribution, IT Service samt IT Strategi & Arkitektur.
Som medarbejder i IT bliver du en del af et fagligt stærkt hold i et tværfagligt udviklingsmiljø, hvor du understøtter forretningen og gør en forskel.
Vil du også skabe bæredygtige byer?
Vores høje ambitioner for byerne har stor indflydelse på vores ambitioner på IT-området. Skal vi lykkes, kræver det nemlig teknologi og faglig viden i verdensklasse.
Derfor søger vi altid dygtige nye kolleger, som vil være med til at opnå vores ambitiøse mål, der gør en forskel for mennesker, virksomheder, klima og miljø.




Do you want to be a part of an exciting scale-up company and go on company trips together?
At SupWiz you get to work with extremely talented people with different backgrounds and experience level and be a part of delivering innovative software used by millions of users across the globe in multiple languages.

SupWiz is an award-winning SaaS, delivering next-generation AI solutions to improve end-user service and support processes in different industries. Our omnichannel and modular solutions include chatbots, voicebots, emailbots, ticket classification & routing, real-time AI assistance for agents, knowledge search engine and more. 

SupWiz's logo



Who are we?

Ekstra Bladet is the largest digital news publisher in Denmark measured on number of visits and time spent on our flagship site, We are in touch with close to 1 million people every single day. These people read news articles, watch videos and listen to podcasts about crime, entertainment, sports etc. and they generate more than 20 million pageviews every day.

In tech, Ekstra Bladet sets new standards in the industry. We have developed and run our own first party data management platform (Relevance), our own analytics platform (Longboat), and we push the state of the art in responsible and effective machine learning for news via recommenders and natural language processing (NLP) systems that we develop with CTU Compute and Computer Science at UCPH. We try to abide the mantra “You build it, you run it” – all our software either run or is intended to run in the cloud in Kubernetes and/or via Amazon Web Services.

Editorially, we prioritize the fast news the drive the news flow and the large investigate projects that make the news – which among other things gave us Cavling Prisen in 2021, the finest journalistic award in Denmark.

We are 300 dedicated employees including journalists, salespeople, software developers, and data scientists who work out of our offices at Rådhuspladsen in central Copenhagen. Further, we are part of JP/Politikens Hus which also publishes Politiken and Jyllands-Posten, among other things, generating an annual turnover of +3 billion DKK.

Get in touch!

If you are interested in joining us, look for job openings via the link below or send an unsolicited application to Kasper Worm ( who is digital director at Ekstra Bladet. 

We need skilled people in software development and data science who, like us, are motivated by staying ahead of the curve and shaping the future of news publishing



About Delegate

Delegate is an IT consulting house, where strong values and high professionalism lay the foundation of your and our development and success - and for several top positions in Great Place to Work. You get close to 200 colleagues in our offices in Virum, Aarhus and Aalborg. We are at the forefront of all Microsoft's Cloud platforms and have an exciting pipeline of projects. With us, you can contribute to a business, a community and cool solutions that makes your heart beat. Welcome home.

What we do

At Delegate, we take the time to understand our customers' business. We tailor solutions that lift and exceed their expectations. We cover the entire spectrum from hardcore development to configuration to IT management when working with Azure, Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365, Data & AI, Power Platform, Share-Point and IoT. And then we are named Microsoft Partner of the Year 2021 and winner of Low Code Development and Data & AI in 2022. You will be amazed at the size of our projects and the many well-known companies we work with, which range from the private sector to public agencies and organizations.


At Delegate we greet you with presence and professionalism at all levels. We give you experiences you will remember, and colleagues who win, with recognition and helpfulness. Help develop promising solutions in an ambitious workplace. We give you what you expect and add that extra thing that surprises positively. Here we take time to help each other and make every effort to make both customers and colleagues feel at home.



Novozymes is the world’s leading company in the production of enzymes and microorganisms which are used to make sustainable solutions to the world’s problems. Every year our products help cut global CO2 emissions by around 90 million tons.

We are a global organization located in more than 30 countries worldwide. In Denmark we are located in Bagsværd (HQ), Lyngby, Fuglebakken and Kalundborg.

Currently we are looking for young talents to help us work for a cause not just a company.

If you want to hear more, please come find us at our stand during the careey day.

Novozymes' logo



Resights består af flere moduler, som gør det muligt at finde nye investeringsmuligheder, informationer på alle landets ejendomme og enhver person eller virksomheds ejendomsportefølje og meget mere ejendomsdata.

Ligeledes kan du følge enhver person, virksomhed eller ejendom, så du altid holder dig opdateret på de seneste nyheder og ændringer nær dig.



Do you want to succeed together with others and make a difference? 

At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We're a network of firms in 156 countries with over 295,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory, and tax services. 

In Denmark, we are market leaders with 2,500 people spread throughout the country. We advise various Danish companies across industries on crucial matters. We manage sharp deadlines and high demands and stay on top of the latest trends to create the best solutions possible for our customers, from both the private- and public sector. We are committed to making each other better and want to keep learning every day. 

PwCs logo





Got your head in the cloud? So do we!

NNE is the leading provider of data engineering & data science consultancy services to the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in Denmark.

We put our heads in the cloud and solve the toughest challenges for our customers. In our Manufacturing Intelligence department our services go from building large scale cloud data platforms. developing unique applications from backend to frontend, to applying advanced analytics into our solutions.

Great projects – diverse growd

All in all, NNE engineer pharma facilities essential for global drug production. Our specialists and engineers design and build efficient, sustainable, and intelligent facilities for pharma manufacturers. 

We have more than 100 different educational backgrounds in our organization, working in a world full of complex projects, opportunities for growth, and never-ending support from expert colleagues. And we have room you too!

Sounds like something you would love to do? We’ll be happy to get to know you and tell more about how to join the passion at NNE. 



When you become part of the Demant family, you also become part of our quest to make a life-changing difference for people worldwide. More specifically, we offer you the opportunity to use your talents and energy to help the more than 500 million people worldwide who suffer from hearing loss to communicate freely, interact naturally and participate actively. That’s what we call life-changing hearing health.

Working with us, you will be part of a world-leading hearing healthcare group that develops, manufactures and sells highly advanced, market-leading hearing solutions, diagnostic equipment, implants and personal communication.

You may not know about Demant, but you probably know some of our international brands - Oticon, EPOS, and Bernafon to name a few. Together we are more than 18,000 brilliant people, working together in around 30 countries.

 Demants logo



Founded by Ole Kirk Kristiansen, and based on the iconic LEGO® brick, it is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of play materials. We’ve been sparking children’s imaginations and inspiring the builders of tomorrow since 1932. Our 18,000+ colleagues across the world keep this spirit alive today.

We put brilliant engineers together with mind-blowing technology for one very simple purpose: to build amazing digital products that both delight our users and create value for the LEGO Group. And we do this in a very refreshing way. We have developed an architecture that allows us to break down our processes and thinking into modular parts - just like LEGO® bricks. Meaning we can build much more.

Curious to hear more?... Join the conversations with our LEGO® colleagues, so you know how to build your career brick-by-brick in the LEGO Group!

LEGOs logo



Session is a global online coaching company. We connect business professionals with highly qualified business coaches. 

We have built an online B2B platform that automates billing, payments, scheduling, and communication between Coaches, Clients, and Companies. 

We work on a 100% serverless technology stack, using Next.js / React / Vercel/FaunaDB / GraphQL / Twilio and we are obsessed with making things simple! 

We have a tech team of 3 full-stack developers and one UX designer and we have a lot of fun working together.

Sessions logo



Immeo is a business-oriented IT consultancy, founded in 2014, working with the most ambitious companies in Denmark.

Our core competencies are business development within e-commerce, technical consulting, solution architecture, integration, agile development, and project management. 

We secure the integrated platform that puts processes and data in context, so our customers can increase their revenue, reduce operating costs, or increase service levels and customer loyalty. 

Our consultants build value-added business solutions and implement project deliverables that make a real difference to our customers We believe in collaboration and long-term customer relationships. 

That's why we strive to deliver high-level service - every time. We combine business insights with deep technical knowledge. We work agile and focus on creating results on an ongoing basis. 

You can read more about Immeo and our career opportunities here:

Immeos logo



Calling all students visiting DIKU!

Come by the Topdanmark stand and tell us about your top priorities when choosing your first job? Flexible work hours, no carbon footprint or state of the art technologies? We’re curious to know.

Topdanmark is Denmark’s second largest insurance company, and we offer a wide range of products within insurance and pension to both private, commercial and agricultural customers. The foundation stone of Topdanmark was laid in 1899, and today we are approximately 2,400 employees working all over the country. The headquarters are located in Ballerup. Topdanmark is a limited company listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S.

#tijobs #meredig #topdanmark




Hvornår? Fredag den 6. maj 2022 kl. 13.00 - 18.00

Hvor? Vandrehallen, HCØ bygningen, Universitetsparken 5, 2100 Kbh Ø

For hvem? Studerende på IT-uddannelser på Københavns Universitet

Disse virksomheder deltog

A.P. Møller-Maersk
SAS Institute
Danske Bank
BCG Platinion
Udviklings- og Forenklingsstyrelsen
Copenhagen Science City
Sopra Steria
Novo Nordisk
Topdanmark Forsikring og Pension
LEGO Systems
Deon Digital Denmark
IBM Denmark
Koncern IT, Københavns Kommune
Ekstrabladet (Politikens Hus)
Knowledge Cube
Københavns Erhvervshus
SCIENCE Innovation Hub
PFA Pension