Copenhagen Programming Language Workshop (COPLAW) 2023

CoPLaWS is a series of annual workshops for programming language researchers working in the greater Copenhagen area (DTU, KU, ITU, RUC, but also open to researchers in industry and other institutions). The aim is to get together and learn about each other's work. It will be a full-day event including dinner (at the expense of the participants). Registration is free but mandatory.
We invite proposals for 20-minute talks for the workshop. Since there are many programming language researchers in Copenhagen, it is likely that we will get more talk proposals than can fit in a day. In that event, the talks will be selected by the organisers based on a light reviewing process. We will aim for diversity in topics and institutions represented. Talk proposals should consist of a title and a one-paragraph abstract. Deadline: 15 May 2023.
Find information on how to submit a talk proposal and register here