QIM Celebration and Workshop - From Foundation to Vision

On March 10 we are celebrating the advances that we have made in 3D image analysis in the QIM Center’s first five years. We will host a workshop and talks on the need for 3D image analysis and how deep learning can accelerate the translation of volumetric imaging data to quantitative information.
You will meet the decision-makers who made QIM possible, hear fascinating presentations of the newest in 3D imaging classification, see the first images coming out of the DanMAX beamline at MAX IV, and be part of discussing the needs in 3D image analysis. The mission of QIM is to help transcend the current limitations of synchrotron usage through data science tools and pipelines for advancing cutting-edge research results in many fields including life science.
- Chairman of the Regional Council, Lars Gaardhøj, Capital Region of Denmark
- Head of Department, Professor of Medical Technology, Liselotte Højgaard, Rigshospitalet
- Provost, Rasmus Larsen, Technical University of Denmark
- Dean, Katrine Krogh Andersen, University of Copenhagen
- Pro Vice-Chancellor, Viktor Öwall, Lunds University
- Life Science Director, Marjolein Thunnissen, MAX IV
- Science Director, Giovanna Fragneto, ESS
- Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Joseph Brunet, University College London, based at European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF).
- Head of QIM, Professor Anders Dahl, Technical University of Denmark
- Deputy Head of QIM, Professor Jon Sporring, University of Copenhagen
- Professor, Henning Friis Poulsen, Technical University of Denmark
We look forward to seeing you.