COPLAS talk: Mohammad Mousavi: Taming Spooky Actions at a Distance: A Discipline of Quantum Software Testing

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Mohammad Reza Mousavi is a professor of Software Engineering and co-director of King's Quantum at King's College London. He obtained his PhD from Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands. Prior to joining King's in 2021, he held positions at Reykjavik University, Eindhoven University of Technology, Delft University of Technology, Halmstad University, Chalmers University of Technology, and the University of Leicester. His areas of interest are in software and system testing, particularly applied to hybrid quantum-classical systems and cyber-physical systems.
He is the founder of Molecular Quantum Solutions ApS (MQS), the first quantum chemistry + quantum computing company in Denmark. One strategy of MQS is to develop a well-structured and beneficial co-development community where a commercial entity can help to build an open-source & free license tool stack which is de-risked of becoming unmaintained in a long-term perspective.


Taming Spooky Actions at a Distance: A Discipline of Quantum Software Testing


We are witnessing the increased availability of powerful quantum computing facilities as a service; also, there are promising prospects of applying quantum computing in fields such as material- and drug discovery, as well as scheduling, and optimisation. With these prospects comes an inherent challenge of quality assurance of complex quantum programs. Quantum programs and programming frameworks are becoming more complex, and this complexity creates a gap, calling for novel and rigorous testing and debugging frameworks. In this talk, we present an overview of the fascinating emerging field of software engineering and its numerous challenges and opportunities. In particular, we review our recent research on characterising faults in hybrid quantum-classical  architectures. This has led to a taxonomy of real faults in hybrid quantum-classical architectures. We also present our long-standing effort to establish a mature property-based testing framework for quantum programs both for fault-tolerant and for noisy architecture. We also present an automated debugging framework based on property-based testing.


Michael Kirkedal (DIKU)

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