COPLAS talk: Raphael Seidel & Sebastian Bock


Raphael Seidel is a theoretical particle physicist by training and currently works at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS as a research associate. Raphael is pursuing a PhD in quantum information at TUBerlin. His field of research is the efficient implementation of quantum algorithms, compiler optimization and quantum programming in general. Further interests include quantum arithmetic, quantum logic synthesis and simulation of hamiltonian dynamics. In particular he is the leading developer of the quantum programming language Qrisp.

Sebastian Bock is currently working as a research associate at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS. He is currently leading the project "Qompiler – Standardized Quantum Software Stack," which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, and he is involved in developing a higher-level quantum programming language and a hardware-specific compiler for ion traps. Sebastian studied physics in Chemnitz and Siegen, focusing his master's thesis on the construction of an ion trap aimed at optimizing the physical properties for quantum information processing.


Qrisp: A Framework for High-Level Programming of Gate-Based Quantum Computers


Within this talk we make the case for quantum programming languages by introducing two critical roadblocks that circuit-based quantum software engineering will face in the near future. Subsequently we introduce Qrisp, a high-level programming language that remedies many of these problems. Qrisp provides a high-degree of programming abstraction but retains compilability such that the code can be executed on most of today’s available backends. The talk will feature a detailed introduction to a variety of core structures defined in Qrisp such as QuantumVariables, the automatic uncomputation mechanism, the memory management system and quantum environments. These considerations are complemented by a demonstration of an implementation of Montanaros quantum backtracking algorithm. Despite existing for almost a decade, this algorithm has seen close to no implementations. Finally, we will talk about the weaknesses of Qrisp and our efforts to overcome them. 


Michael Kirkedal  (DIKU)

All are welcome. No registration required.  Feel free to forward this invitation. 

The Copenhagen Programming Languages Seminar (COPLAS) is a collaboration between DTU, ITU, Roskilde University and UCPH. To be informed about COPLAS activities and related talks, join this mailing list.