Re-centering AI for Health Towards Patients - with Great [Computing] Power, Comes Great Responsibility

We are excited to invite you to join us on April 8th, as Distinguished speaker Natalie Benda presents her research on the application of artificial intelligence to health and healthcare.
Dr. Natalie Benda is an expert in human centered design and is currently an Assistant Professor of Health Informatics at the Columbia University. Natalie's program of research uses human-centered design to advance the inclusivity and equity of healthcare, with a special focus consumer information technology and AI. She has recently focused on patient-centered design of AI, specifically for early detection of depression following childbirth. She has additional projects designing an mHealth tool to support postpartum symptom management, global maternal health (Myanmar/India), and improving telemedicine for patients with limited English proficiency. She holds a PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University at Buffalo and completed her postdoctoral training in Weill Cornell Medicine's Division of Health Informatics, Department of Population Health Sciences. Natalie has over 50 publications in journals such as JAMIA, JAMA, and the American Journal of Public Health.
The application of artificial intelligence to health and healthcare is rapidly increasing. Several studies have assessed the attitudes of health professionals but far fewer have explored perspectives of patients or the general public. Patient feedback has been elicited in the development of specific mental health solutions, but general perspectives towards AI for mental health have been under-explored. This talk will describe various user studies regarding the implementation of predictive analytics with a focus on gaining patient perspectives regarding the use of AI for various health applications.