Styrk virksomhedens ESG-rapportering

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Med en række cases præsenterer vi resultaterne af videnbroprojektet Scoped Carbon Accounting, som som er finansieret af Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen, faciliteret af Energy Cluster Denmark, medfinansieret af virksomhederne: Deon Digital, GrowGrounds, IPU i samarbejde med Energinet.
Vi præsenterer desuden en real-life case med en model til effektiv ESG-beregning i en produktionsvirksomhed (frys selv is).
Hvem er det relevant for?
Seminaret er relevant for virksomheder og enkeltpersoner, der er interesseret i at beregne valide miljødata i forsyningskæden og forberede sig på de nyeste miljørapporteringskrav. Du vil få indsigt i de beregnings-metoder, der er udviklet som en del af projektet. Det er gratis at deltage.
Mød oplægsholderne og få en snak efter oplæggene
Vi runder seminaret af med en lille forfriskning og en mingling og match-making session, hvor du kan udveksle erfaringer og drøfte samarbejde med oplægsholderne.
Det vil også være muligt at tale med DIKUs labspecialister om, hvad der kræves af computer-kapacitet til at arbejde med netop jeres data, og om hvorvidt High Performance Computing (HPC) vil være relevant for netop din virksomhed.
ved Inge Hviid Jensen, Manager af DIKU Business Club, og Fritz Henglein, professor og PI for Scoped Carbon Accounting
Med en række cases præsenterer vi resultaterne af videnbroprojektet Scoped Carbon Accounting, som er finansieret af Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen, faciliteret af Energy Cluster Denmark, medfinansieret af Deon Digital, GrowGrounds og IPU i samarbejde med Energinet.
We present virtual energy sourcing, a conceptual and technical framework for securely and verifiably tracking energy production through electric grids and in downstream energy transformation. It provides the same fine-grained guarantees as direct energy sourcing, without requiring physical or exclusive connections to specific energy production points. Additionally, it supports transfer and trading with electricity certificates, and it provides guarantees against common digital greenwashing/greenwishing methods such as time travel (of electricity consumption relative to production in common certificate schemes), double spending (of the same green energy productions by multiple consumers), non- or underreporting (of black energy sources used) and mass/energy balance arguments that ignore or disregard where the black energy goes.
We have built a demonstrator with fully functioning analytics and visualization of fine-grained 'total' electricity accounting, using (mostly) synthesized data for the Danish electricity grid. This accounts for both voluntary and forced transfers of fine-grained electricity production certificates, both green and black; fine-grained energy sourcing for electrolytic H2 production to certify how green the source energy in individual production batches is; and detailed carbon emissions accounting that can be used for planning, monitoring and optimization as well as for ex-post electricity-related Scope 2 carbon emissions accounting according to the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
This is an outcome of a collaboration with Deon Digital, Energinet, Growgrounds and IPU. It has been made possible by a grant by EnergyCluster Denmark under the project name Scoped Carbon Accounting.
Deon Digital is the technology provider for BCX, the voluntary Carbon and Energy trading platform for the Malaysian National Exchange, Bursa Malaysia. We have designed and built the trading platform based on the Deon Digital Smart Financial Products, SFI system which went live in September 2023.
Accredited by the carbon registries Verra and Gold Standard; and energy registry Evident, BCX provide integrated issuance, trading, settlement, redemption, and off-boarding of Carbon Credits and Electricity Units.
The SFI system is a novel technology platform for Capital Market Infrastructure, Green Finance, and Business Process management. Approved as a trading and settlement system under the DLTR by the Danish FSA.
We will present the challenges and experiences of building and operating a trading platform in the Green Finance space, and working with registries.
About the speaker
Mikkel Thomsen is a senior software developer with Deon Digital and has been part of the development team since 2017. With a background in Computer Science from DIKU, Mikkel has been a core part of the development of both the Deon Digital technology stack in general and the SFI system specifically. Mikkel has over 20 years of experience building and operating IT systems at scale with an emphasis on applying state-of-the-art tools and technologies to development teams, using modern and pragmatic methodologies.
Research and development departments of both small and large companies are starting to structure the design discipline of optimizing for sustainability in the design processes shaping the future products and technologies. IPU takes part in the SCA project to demonstrate how Scoped Carbon Accounting can inform this effort and how companies can start integrating granular reporting into the core product/technology. Our aim is to help scale and implement SCA to industry as soon as we can define clear value propositions for the companies who have to make an investment in the end.
About the Speaker:
Knud Finken has worked with ecodesign in early phase development for 11 years at IPU. This includes working closely with many product development departments in both large and small companies to identify and prove feasibility of innovative solutions in a way that enables more sustainable products. One key observation is that during the first phases of innovation is where there is the greatest potential for improving sustainability performance, but this period is also the hardest to measure which option is more sustainable compounded by this phase typically being compressed on timelines and resources available for the complex issue that sustainability is. This challenge is something IPU is actively working on and hope that SCA may soon provide part of the solution for.
Discover how GrowGrounds bridges ESG principles and data science to drive sustainable agroforestry. This presentation introduces our company and highlights our innovative platform. We empower coffee farmers to transition from monocultures to agroforestry while generating measurable, verifiable carbon credits. Learn how data collection, and Gold Standard compliance create marketable climate benefits and transparent reporting, supporting farmers and buyers in achieving impactful carbon reductions.
About the speaker:
Christina Singh is an environmental economist driven by a mission to transform global consumption and production patterns toward sustainability. In 2023, she co-founded GrowGrounds ApS, a pioneering spin-off dedicated to converting monoculture coffee plots into syntropic agroforestry systems, rewarding farmers with carbon income. As COO, Christina leads project development and information systems. Her prior roles as Head of Circular Innovation at Löfbergs and Consultant at COWI deepened her expertise in climate finance, land use, and value chain traceability, with a strong focus on enhancing smallholder farmers’ livelihoods.
ESG reporting methods for batch level estimates are rather costly and cumbersome, when using standard approaches. We present through a real-life example, for a freeze-pop producer, how limitations to these methods can be overcome or circumvented.
About the Speaker:
Gustav Emil Mark-Hansen is an IT-officer at the University of Copenhagen, working with research projects in the Machine Learning section at the Department of Computer Science (DIKU). Recently he defended a thesis on image reconstruction. His interests include data quality, measurement systems, and information systems.
Er du i tvivl om, hvordan du selv kommer i gang med miljørapportering eller med at optimere jeres processer, fx. gennem Machine Learning og High Performance Computing? Hør tips fra og stil spørgsmål til eksperterne fra DIKUs HPC Lab.
Afrunding ved Fritz Henglein og Inge Hviid Jensen - introduktion til, hvordan du kan få en snak med forskere, virksomheder eller specialister - og vi byder på en lille forfriskning