Classification of Volumetric Images Using Multi-Instance Learning and Extreme Value Theorem

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Volumetric imaging is an essential diagnostic tool for medical practitioners. The use of popular techniques such as convolutional neural networks (CNN) for analysis of volumetric images is constrained by the availability of detailed (with local annotations) training data and GPU memory. In this paper, the volumetric image classification problem is posed as a multiinstance classification problem and a novel method is proposed to adaptively select positive instances from positive bags during the training phase. This method uses the extreme value theory to model the feature distribution of the images without a pathology and use it to identify positive instances of an imaged pathology. The experimental results, on three separate image classification tasks (i.e. classify retinal OCT images according to the presence or absence of fluid build-ups, emphysema detection in pulmonary 3D-CT images and detection of cancerous regions in 2D histopathology images) show that the proposed method produces classifiers that have similar performance to fully supervised methods and achieves the state of the art performance in all examined test cases.

TidsskriftIEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)854-865
StatusUdgivet - 2020

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