PyTorch Adapt

Publikation: Working paperPreprintForskning


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    Forlagets udgivne version, 239 KB, PDF-dokument

PyTorch Adapt is a library for domain adaptation, a type of machine learning algorithm that re-purposes existing models to work in new domains. It is a fully-featured toolkit, allowing users to create a complete train/test pipeline in a few lines of code. It is also modular, so users can import just the parts they need, and not worry about being locked into a framework. One defining feature of this library is its customizability. In particular, complex training algorithms can be easily modified and combined, thanks to a system of composable, lazily-evaluated hooks. In this technical report, we explain in detail these features and the overall design of the library. Code is available at this https URL
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - 2022


ID: 384619158