Using priors for improving generalization inNon-Rigid structure-from-motion

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningfagfællebedømt

This paper describes how the generalization ability of methods for non-rigid Structure-from-Motion can be improved by using priors. Most point tracks are often visible only in some of the images; predicting the missing data can be important. Previous Maximum-Likelihood (ML)-approaches on implicit non-rigid Structure-from-Motion generalize badly. Although the estimated model fits well to the visible training data, it often predicts the missing data badly. To improve generalization we propose to add a temporal smoothness prior and a continuous surface shape prior to an ML-approach. The temporal smoothness prior constrains the camera trajectory and the configuration weights to behave smoothly. The surface shape prior constrains consistently close image point tracks to have a similar implicit structure. We propose an algorithm for achieving a Maximum A Posteriori (MAP)-solution and show experimentally that the MAP-solution generalizes far better than the MLsolution. The proposed method is fully automatic: it handles a substantial amount of missing data as well as outlier contaminated data, and automatically estimates the rank of the measurement matrix.

StatusUdgivet - 2007
Begivenhed2007 18th British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2007 - Warwick, Storbritannien
Varighed: 10 sep. 200713 sep. 2007


Konference2007 18th British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2007

ID: 392568462