Fritz Henglein

Fritz Henglein


Primære forskningsområder

  • Algorithmic, semantic and logical aspects of programming languages
  • Type systems, type inference and type-based program analysis
  • Algorithmic functional programming
  • Application of programming language technology to enterprise, financial, healthcare, e-government systems, etc.

Aktuel forskning

Ongoing research projects:

  • Applications and Principles of Programming Languages (APPL)
  • 3d generation Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (3gERP),
  • Trustworthy Pervasive Healthcare Services (TrustCare),

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

See my home page,


See primary fields of research.

Beyond this I am interested in the following:

Simple software---useful high-performance software with orders of magnitude less code than conventional software 

Logic, mathematics and statistics---for fun and practical use, both abstract stuff and useful stuff (particularly useful abstract stuff) 

Soccer (both active and watching)

Movies (from Avatar to Brazil and beyond) 

Good food (eating it, I'm not much of a cook)

Agile businesses (e.g. previous DIKU spin-off Hafnium ApS, my farm, or my 17-year old son's Bavarian beer import company)

ID: 7193