CS4ALL: Open(ing) Science Makes Science Better

Russell Poldrack, Albert Ray Lang Professor of Psychology
Russell Poldrack, a Professor of Psychology at Stanford and Associate Director of Stanford Data Science, is a prominent advocate for Open Science. With a career spanning Baylor, Harvard, UCLA, and UT, he leads efforts to enhance research transparency and accessibility. His work has earned him numerous honors, including the Open Science Award and a fellowship at the British Academy, making science more collaborative and impactful. He rose to fame in the neuroimaging community for his MyConnectome project (http://www.myconnectome.org/) where he scanned himself three times a week for over a year. Lots of cool studies on individual brain changes came out of that! Now he is one of the biggest open science advocates in neuroscience and was instrumental in starting and growing BIDS (https://direct.mit.edu/imag/article/doi/10.1162/imag_a_00103/119672) as well as is the PI of the OpenNeuro project (https://openneuro.org/)
9.00: Arrival and light breakfast
9.30-10.30: Keynote talk