DIKU Bits: Compact Computing - Data Management Strategies for Space Efficiency

Panagiotis Karras, Professor in the Software, Data, People & Society (SDPS) section
Compact Computing: Data Management Strategies for Space Efficiency
Several key computer science tasks require solutions that work within the constraints of low-memory devices. This talk presents two solutions that enhance space-efficiency in such tasks. First, we will show how to achieve space-efficient Viterbi decoding, used in speech recognition.
Second, we will outline how to make optimal decisions space-efficiently in a finite-horizon Markov Decision Process. Thereby, we will showcase how data management expertise can deliver solutions in other domains.
Which courses do you teach?
Databases and Information Systems (BSc) and Advanced Computer Systems (MSc)
Which technology/research/projects/startup are you excited to see the evolution of?
Application of the algorithms in my talk for speech recognition in low-memory devices.