Tekniske rapporter 1990-1994


Year/No. Title and author
90/1  Automatisk analyse og oversættelse af franske sætninger med udgangspunkt i oplysninger om verbernes valens
Franz Fröling
90/2  Automatisk analyse af faste udtryk i franske sætninger
Franz Fröling
90/3  Simple edge detection
Søren. I. Olsen
90/4  Automatic Autoprojection of Recursive Equations with Global Variables and Abstract Data Types
Anders Bondorf and Olivier Danvy
90/5  Projective Geometry and Straight Lines in Computational Vision
Knud Henriksen
90/6  Edb-mæssige kvalifikationer: behov kontra uddannelse
Helle Knudsen
90/7 DIKU: The Institute of Computer Science at Copenhagen University
Neil D. Jones
90/8  Local Tournaments and Proper Circular Arc Graphs
Pavoll Hell, Jørgen Bang-Jensen and Jing Huang
90/9  A polynomial algorithm for hamiltonian-connectedness in semicomplete digraphs
Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Yannis Manoussakis and Carsten Thomassen
90/10  Classification of the Toppoints of an Image
Peter Johansen 
90/11  Om Relationsdatabaser og deres Ajourføring gennem Views. Konkretisering i Nimbus
Alf Beck Nielsen
90/12  Animation af objekt-orienterede programmer baseret på aktive metoder
Finn Jordal
90/13  Løsning af svære kombinatoriske optimerings-problemer - kan paralleldatamater hjælpe?
Jens Clausen
90/14  Logic Programming for Concept Modelling and Support of Urban Housing Design. A Pilot Study
Lászlo Béla Kovács and Per Galle
90/15 Mathematical Software for Computation of Toppoints
Jens Tingleff
90/16  Compiler Generation By Partial Evaluation: a Case Study. (Revised version of report 88/24)
Carsten K. Gomard and Neil D. Jones
90/17  Self-Applicable Partial Evaluation
Anders Bondorf


Year/No. Title and author
91/1  Investigating a Proof-Theoretic Meta-Language for Functional Programs
John J. Hannan
91/2  Semantic Information in Databases
Troels Andreasen
91/3  Ellie Language Definition Report
Birger Andersen
91/4  Fine-Grained Parallelism in Ellie
Birger Andersen
91/5  Grain-Size Adaption in the Fine-Grained Object-Oriented Language Ellie
Birger Andersen
91/6  Object Activitations in a Transputer Implementation of the Ellie Language
Bjarne Hansen
91/7  Bevægelsesligninger i synskalkule
Jens Arnspang
91/8  Motion Constraint Equations in Vision Calculus
Jens Arnspang
91/9  Similix Manual system version 3.0
Anders Bondorf 
91/10  Estimation of Noise in Images: An Evaluation
Søren I. Olsen
91/11  Category Theory, Types and Programming Languages
Hans Dybkjær
91/12  MIX. A self-applicable partial evaluator for experiments in compiler generation
Neil D. Jones, Peter Sestoft and Harald Søndergaard. (Reprint of revised Version 87/8)
91/13  A Knowledge based System of Astronomy
Ole Kjær Christensen and Eva Liljedahl
91/14  Introduction to Emerald
Henrik Størner and Daniel Eide Joensen
91/15  Space-efficient parallel merging
Jyrki Katajainen, Christos Levcopoulos and Ola Petersson 
91/16  Epipolar Line Estimation
Søren I. Olsen
91/17  Program Analysis Matters
Carsten Krogh Gomard
91/18  Tutorial on Standard ML
Mads Tofte


Year/No. Title and author
92/1  Computer-Aided Floor Plan Sketching
Laila Dybkjær
92/2  Algorithms for the all-nearest-neighbors problem
Jyrki Katajainen, Per-Olof Fjällström and Jan Petersson
92/3  In-place linear probing sort
Jyrki Katajainen, Svante Carlsson and Jukka Teuhola
92/4  Stable minimum space partitioning in linear time. (more)
Jyrki Katajainen and Tomi Pasanen
92/5  On using type Information in syntactical data compression
Jyrki Katajainen and Erkki Mäkinen
92/6  Analysis and Efficient Implementation of Functional Programs
Peter Sestoft
92/7  Two new approaches to parallel Branch and Bound
Per. S. Laursen
92/8  Proceedings fra Den Første Danske Konference om Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse
Søren I. Olsen
92/9  Sorting multisets stably in minimum space
Jyrki Katajainen and Tomi Pasanen
92/10  Fuldtekstsøgesystemer til Fagfolk
Morten Hertzum og Henrik Søes
92/11  Semantisk analyse og repræsentation af naturligt sprog
Henrik Hedegaard
92/12  A General, Grain-Size Adaptable, Object-Oriented Programming Language for Distributed Computers
Birger Andersen
92/13  LIDA-projektet. Arbejdspapirer
Hasse Clausen
92/14  C Program Specialization
Lars Ole Andersen 
92/15  Traffic Adviser. Et logikprogrammeringsprojekt
Jesper Bagger
92/16  Map Theory - Preface, Addendum and Index
Klaus Grue
92/17  Map Theory
Klaus Grue
92/18  Partial Evaluation and the Generation of Program Generators
Neil D. Jones 


Year/No. Title and author
93/1  Comprehensive, Concurrent, and Robust Garbage Collection in the Distributed, Object-Based System Emerald
Niels Christian Juul
93/2  Do Inherently Sequential Branch-and-Bound Algorithms Exist?
Jens Clausen and Jesper Larsson Träff
93/3  Learning, Problem Solving and Mathematics. Volume One - Learning and Mathematics Education
Djordje Kadijevic
93/4  Efficient Analysis for Realistic Off-Line Partial Evaluation: Extended Version
Anders Bondorf and Jesper Jørgensen
93/5  Improved Parallel Bucketing Algorithms for Proximity Problems
Torben Hagerup and Jyrki Katajainen
93/6  Graduated Non-Convexity by Smoothness Focusing
Mads Nielsen 
93/7  Optimal parallel algorithms for the single-source shortest path problem
Jesper Larsson Träff
93/8  Will not be printed. Please see Report No. 93/9 
93/9  A comparison of two distributed single-source shortest path algorithms based on Dijkstra's algorithm
Jesper Larsson Träff
93/10  Hvorfor "formel" systemudvikling?
Sju og Lars Thorup
93/11  Abstract Interpretation In Logical Form
Thomas Philip Jensen
93/12  A note on the greedy method for computing relative neighbours
Jyrki Katajainen and Richard B. Tan 
93/13  Genkendelse af mønstre i tidssignaler
Christian Veng
93/14  The ML Kit
Lars Birkedal, Nick Rothwell, Mads Tofte and David N. Turner
93/15  A Theory of Stack Allocation in Polymorphically Typed Languages
Mads Tofte
93/16  Proceedings of the 16th IRIS in Copenhagen 7-10 August. Part I, Part II and Part III
Editors: Jørgen.P. Bansler, Keld Bødker, F. Kensing, Jacob Nørbjerg and Jan Pries-Heje
93/17  Den 2. danske Konference i Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse
Peter Johansen
93/18  TeSS-projektet. Udvikling af et system til eksperimentel undersøgelse af bruger-grænseflader til edb-baseret tekstsøgning
Jette Holm Broløs, Erik Frøkjær, Morten Hertzum, Marta Kristín Láurusdóttir, Kristian Bang Pilgaard and Flemming Steen Sørensen
93/19  Dialog og indsigt i systemarbejde
Randi Nygaard Andersen
93/20  Isotropic Regularization
Mads Nielsen
93/21  Præcisionen af GPS - En empirisk undersøgelse
Eric Jul og Ulf Bjerring
93/22  Partial Evaluation on Standard ML
Lars Birkedal and Morten Welinder
93/23  Two theorems on the parallel construction of convex hulls
Jyrki Katajainen
93/24  Finding the maximum in parallel random access machines. (more)
Jyrki Katajainen, Yrjö Auramo and Juhani Kulmala
93/25  A reliable randomized algorithm for the closest-pair problem
Jyrki Katajainen, Martin Dietzfelbinger, Torben Hagerup and Martti Penttonen
93/26  The Usefulness And Beaty Of Combinatorial Optimization
Jens Clausen and Jakob Krarup
93/27  A Family of Bipartite Cardinality Matching Problems Solvable in 0 (n2) Time
Jens Clausen and Jakob Krarup
93/28  Maximum C4-free bipartite graphs and knapsack-type programs
Jakob Krarup and T. Illés


Year/No. Title and author
94/1  Practical in-place mergesort. (more)
Jyrki Katajainen, Tomi Pasanen and Jukka Teuhola
94/2  Abstract Interpretation: a Semantics-Based Tool for Program Analysis
Neil D. Jones and Flemming Nielson
94/3  Calibration of Eye-Hand Systems
Lars Arne Christensen and Morten Hanehøj
94/4  The Fork Calculus. Towards a Logic for Concurrent ML (PhD Thesis)
Klaus Havelund
94/5  Calibration of the DIKU Robot-Camera System
Kjeld Lau Petersen and Søren I. Olsen
94/6  Iterative Methods for Large, Sparse and Nonsymmetric Systems of Linear Equations on Parallel Computers (PhD Thesis)
Ming Fang
94/7  Combinatorial Optimization on Transputers
Per S. Laursen and Jesper Larsson Träff
94/8  Generelle Optimeringsheuristikker - en introduktion
Per S. Laursen
94/9  Turchin's Supercompiler Revisited
Morten Heine Sørensen
94/10  Combinatorial Pattern Recognition, the Method and the Program Package
Peter Johansen
94/11  Disambiguating grammars by exclusion of sub-parse trees
Mikkel Thorup
94/12  Proceedings of The Atlantique Workshop on Semantics Based Program Manipulation
Edited by Neil Jones and Carolyn Talcott
94/13  MIRAGE+: A Kernel Implementation of Distributed Shared Memory on a Network of Personal Computers
Niels Christian Juul
94/14  Interprocedural Dataflow Analysis via Graph Reachability
Thomas Reps, Mooly Sagiv and Susan Horwitz
94/15  Firing Games
Mikkel Thorup
94/16  Using Multiset Discrimination To Solve Language Processing Problems Wihtout Hashing
Robert Paige and Jiazhen Cai
94/17  Proceedings fra Den Tredje Danske Konference om Mønstergenkendelse og Billedanalyse
Peter Johansen
94/18  Simple parallel algorithms for the replacement edge problem and related problems on minimum spanning trees
Jyrki Katajainen and Jesper Larsson Träff
94/19  Program Analysis and Specialization for the C Programming Language (PhD Thesis)
Lars Ole Andersen
94/20  Computer Support for Documentation Work (PhD Thesis)
Morten Hertzum
94/21  Parallel Algorithms for the Assignment Problem - an Experimental Evaluation of Three Distributed Algorithms
Christian Schütt and Jens Clausen
94/22  Solving Large Quadratic Assignment Problems in Parallel
Jens Clausen and Michael Perregaard
94/23  A minimal algorithm for 0-1 Knapsack Problem
David Pisinger
94/24  Solving hard knapsack Problems
David Pisinger
94/25  A minimal algorithm for the Multiple-Choice Knapsack Problem
David Pisinger
94/26 Core Problems in Knapsack algorithms
David Pisinger
94/27  A minimal algorithm for the Bounded Knapsack Problem
David Pisinger
94/28  Kvalifikationer og Samarbejdsformer i Systemudvikling (PhD Thesis)
Jacob Nørbjerg
94/29  More power to computers etc.
Jyrki Katajainen
94/30  Tree slicing based on tree contraction
Jesper Träff, Mikkel Thorup and Jyrki Katajainen
94/31  Parallel Optimization Algorithms - Efficiency vs. Simplicity (PhD Thesis)
Per Laursen
94/32  Parallel Shortcutting of Rooted Trees
Mikkel Thorup
94/33  Dominance Relations in Unbounded Knapsack Problems
David Pisinger
94/34  Estimation of Higher Order Optic Flow: a Group Theoretical Approach
Mads Nielsen and Jon Sporring
94/35  Parallel Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Job-Shop Scheduling Problems
Michael Perregaard and Jens Clausen
94/36  A knowledge-based system for timetable scheduling
Casper Louis Jensen and Henrik Damkjær Vind