Ken Friis Larsen appointed as acting Head of Department at the Department of Computer Science
On 1 January 2025, Jakob Grue Simonsen will start as pro-rector at the IT University af Copenhagen (ITU) after 3.5 years as Head of Department at the Department of Computer Science (DIKU). Until a new head of department is found, Associate Professor Ken Friis Larsen, who has been deputy head of department for education since September 2022, will take over as acting Head of Department at DIKU.

- I look forward to taking over from Jakob after several years of working closely with Jakob and the rest of the DIKU Executive Management to ensure the stable position DIKU is in today. My most important task in the interim period is to continue the work we have started together, and I look forward to expanding my work to the entire portfolio of education, research, innovation and administration, says Ken Friis Larsen.
Today, DIKU is a department with excellent international research, increasing research funding, an increase in the number of PhD students and postdocs, the broadest portfolio of courses and study programmes at UCPH, strong collaborations with industry and a more diverse composition of staff.
- But there are also factors such as the master’s reform and an administrative reform at UCPH that must be addressed in the coming period. There will certainly be challenges, but I'm also confident that we are ready to deal with it, come out on the other side and find new opportunities, Ken concludes.
Farewell after 20 years at DIKU
Jakob Grue Simonsen has been at DIKU for more than 20 years - first as a student and most recently as Head of Department. Now he's off to pursue new adventures:
- DIKU and ITU share common values and have a common responsibility for educating young minds and for creating research that moves not just Denmark forwards but is of benefit to humanity. So, in some ways, it is a “small step” from DIKU to ITU. I look forward to following DIKU from the sidelines and to promoting an even stronger collaboration between DIKU and ITU,’ says Jakob Grue Simonsen.
The staff at the Department of Computer Science wish Jakob Grue Simonsen the best of luck in his future endeavours and look forward to welcoming Ken Friis Larsen in his new role.
Ken Friis Larsen
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
+45 51 94 65 45
Tina Virenfeldt Kristensen
Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
+45 40 59 40 54