Mads Nielsen

Mads Nielsen


  1. 2010
  2. Udgivet

    Fundamental geodesic deformations in spaces of treelike shapes

    Feragen, A., Lauze, Francois Bernard & Nielsen, Mads, 2010, 20th International Conference on Pattern Recogniction - ICPR 2010. IEEE, s. 2089-2093 5 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Growth patterns of abdominal atherosclerotic calcified deposits from lumbar lateral X-rays

    Erleben, L. L., Ganz, Melanie, Barascuk, N., Dam, E. B. & Nielsen, Mads, 2010, I: International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging. 26, 7, s. 751-761 11 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    MACD - an imaging marker for cardiovascular disease

    Ganz, Melanie, de Bruijne, Marleen & Nielsen, Mads, 2010, Medical Imaging 2010: computer-aided diagnosis. Karssemeijer, N. & Summers, R. M. (red.). SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 9 s. 76240

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  5. Udgivet

    Manifold valued statistics, exact principal geodesic analysis and the effect of linear approximations

    Sommer, Stefan Horst, Lauze, Francois Bernard, Hauberg, S. & Nielsen, Mads, 2010, Computer Vision - ECCV 2010: 11th European Conference on Computer Vision, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 5-11, 2010, Proceedings, Part VI. Daniilidis, K., Maragos, P. & Paragios, N. (red.). Springer, Bind Part VI. s. 43-56 14 s. (Lecture notes in computer science; Nr. 6316).

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  6. Udgivet

    Markov random fields on triangle meshes

    Andersen, V., Aanæs, H., Bærentzen, J. A. & Nielsen, Mads, 2010, WSCG 2010: communication papers proceedings . Skala, V. (red.). Vaclav Skala - Union Agency, s. 265-270 6 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Method for identifying region of interest (ROI) in human organ for performing e.g. knee cartilage quantification, involves calculating weight of feature of image in map for minimizing sample size needed to discriminate between groups

    Dam, E. B., Nielsen, Mads, Qazi, A. A., Lillholm, Martin & Jørgensen, D. R., 2010, IPC nr. G06K-009/00, Patentnr. US2010232671-A1, 16 sep. 2010, Prioritetsdato 17 dec. 2008, Prioritetsnr. US203094P

    Publikation: Patent

  8. Udgivet

    On restricting planar curve evolution to finite dimensional implicit subspaces with non-Euclidean metric

    Tatu, A. J., Lauze, Francois Bernard, Sommer, Stefan Horst & Nielsen, Mads, 2010, I: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 38, 3, s. 226-240 15 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Patch-based generative shape model and MDL model selection for statistical analysis of archipelagos

    Ganz, Melanie, Nielsen, Mads & Brandt, S., 2010, Machine Learning in Medical Imaging: First International Workshop, MLMI 2010, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2010, Beijing, China, September 20, 2010. Proceedings. Wang, F., Yan, P., Suzuki, K. & Shen, D. (red.). Springer, s. 34-41 8 s. (Lecture notes in computer science, Bind 6357).

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  10. Udgivet

    Quantitative analysis of airway abnormalities in CT

    Petersen, Jens, Lo, P. C. P., Nielsen, Mads, Edula, G., Ashraf, H., Dirksen, A. & de Bruijne, Marleen, 2010, Medical Imaging 2010: computer-aided Diagnosis. Karssemeijer, N. & Summers, R. M. (red.). SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering, 12 s. 76241S. (Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging; Nr. 34, Bind 11).

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  11. Udgivet

    Relevance of echo-structure and texture features: an application in ultrasound breast tumor classification

    Karemore, G., Mullick, J. B., KV, D. R., Nielsen, Mads & Chidangil, D. S., 2010, Euroson 2010: 22nd Congress of EFSUMB : 10th International Congress on Interventional Ultrasound, 22-25 August 2010, Copenhagen: final programme & abstracts.

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  12. Udgivet

    Temporal super resolution using variational methods

    Keller, S. H., Lauze, Francois Bernard & Nielsen, Mads, 2010, High-quality visual experience: creation, processing and interactivity of high-resolution and high-dimensional video signals. Mrak, M., Grgic, M. & Kunt, M. (red.). Springer, Bind Part III. s. 275-296 22 s. (Signals and Communication Technology).

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  13. Udgivet

    Two dimensional shape representation manipulation method for improving general procrustes alignment process, involves relating probable relative depth of landmark in three dimensional shape of body part

    Chernoff, K., Nielsen, Mads & Lillholm, Martin, 2010, IPC nr. G06T-007/00, Patentnr. WO2010142595-A1, 16 dec. 2010, Prioritetsdato 11 jun. 2009, Prioritetsnr. US268370

    Publikation: Patent

  14. Udgivet

    Weighting of the k-Nearest-Neighbors

    Chernoff, K. & Nielsen, Mads, 2010, 2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). IEEE, s. 666-669 4 s.

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  15. 2009
  16. Udgivet

    Identification of progressors in osteoarthritis by combining biochemical and MRI based markers.

    Dam, Erik Bjørnager, Loog, M., Christiansen, C., Byrjalsen, I., Folkesson, J. M., Nielsen, Mads, Qazi, A. A., Pettersen, P., Garnero, P. & Karsdal, M. A., 24 jul. 2009, I: Arthritis Research & Therapy. 11, 4, s. 1-11

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  17. Udgivet

    Method of deriving a quantitative measure of a degree of calcification of an aorta

    Conrad-Hansen, L. A., De Bruijne, M., Lauze, F. B., Christiansen, C. & Nielsen, Mads, 1 jul. 2009, Google Patents.

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  18. Udgivet

    Prognostic osteoarthritis biomarkers

    Dam, E. B., Loog, M., Karsdal, M., Nielsen, Mads & Christiansen, C., 1 maj 2009, Google Patents.

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  19. Udgivet

    Mathematical methods in biomedical image analysis(editorial)

    Nielsen, Mads, Niessen, W. & Westin, C., 22 apr. 2009, I: International Journal of Computer Vision. 85, 3, s. 209-210 2 s.

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  20. Udgivet

    Bayes estimation of shape model with application to vertebrae boundaries

    Crimi, A., Ghosh, A., Sporring, Jon & Nielsen, Mads, 2009, Medical Imaging 2009: Image Processing (Proceedings Volume). Bind 7259. 8 s.

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  21. Udgivet

    Low dose transdermal estradiol induces breast density and heterogeneity changes comparable to those of raloxifene

    Nielsen, Mads, Raundahl, J., Pettersen, P., Loog, M., Karemore, G. R., Karsdal, M. & Christiansen, C., 2009, I: Menopause . 16, 4, s. 785-791 7 s.

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  22. Udgivet

    A SVD Based Image Complexity Measure

    Gustafsson, D. K. J., Steenstrup Pedersen, Kim & Nielsen, Mads, 2009, VISAPP 2009: PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bind 2. s. 34-39 6 s.

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  23. Udgivet

    A longitudinal follow-up of COPD disease progression in a large cohort of smokers screened for early lung cancer: CBQ study

    Ashraf, H., Edula, G., de Bruijne, Marleen, Nielsen, Mads, Dahlbäck, A. D. M. & Pedersen, J. H., 2009, I: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. s. A1492 1 s.

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  24. Udgivet
  25. Udgivet

    Automatic and consistent registration framework for temporal pairs of mammograms in application to breast cancer risk assessment due to hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

    Karemore, G. R., Carreras, I. A. & Nielsen, Mads, 2009, I: International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. suppl 1, s. S356

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  26. Udgivet


    Ganz, Melanie, Nielsen, Mads, Karsdal, M. & Christiansen, C., 2009, I: Bone. suppl. 2, s. S265 1 s.

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  27. Udgivet

    Bicycle Chain Shape Models

    Sommer, Stefan Horst, Tatu, A. J., Chen, C., Jørgensen, D., de Bruijne, Marleen, Loog, M., Nielsen, Mads & Lauze, Francois Bernard, 2009, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2009. CVPR Workshops 2009. IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.. IEEE, s. 157-163 7 s.

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