12 Nov. 2024, 9:30-14:00 DIKU Business Club Matchmaking event for MSc / PhD students and companies Matchmaking Event for Computer Science students / PhD Students and companies
13 Nov. 2023, 9:30-14:00 DIKU Business Club Matchmaking event for M.Sc. Students and companies Matchmaking Event for Computer Science students and companies
30 Oct. - 9 Nov. 2023 Dive into the latest AI technologies and join a knowledge exchange course How can your company gain insights about the latest AI technologies - and how can you use AI in the business yourself?
25 Aug. 2023, 10:00-13:30 Workshop: Get ready for ESG and Energy Sector Coupling Collaboration and knowledge exchange: Join us for a workshop addressing the upcoming ESG-reporting requirements, and presenting cases for collaboration on Scoped Carbon Accounting and energy sector coupling
12 May 2023, 13:00-18:00 IT Career Day 2023 Join us at IT Career Day, kicking off 12 may 2023. It is a unique opportunity for companies and students within IT at the University of Copenhagen to meet and find future job and collaboration opportunities.
24 Nov. 2022, 16:00-19:00 DIKU Alumni Annual General Meeting and Christmas-hygge General Meeting of the DIKU Alumni Association and subsequent presentations and Christmas hygge. The annual general meeting will be convened in October.
14 Nov. 2022, 10:00-14:30 Matchmaking event for M.Sc. Students and Companies Matchmaking Event for Computer Science students and companies / Insights & Technology Seminar
29 Sept. 2022, 17:00-21:00 DIKU Alumni Day 2022 You can meet the AI Pioneer Center director Serge Belongie, Associate Professor Boris Düdder, Assistant Professor Valkyrie Savage, and Professor Barry Brown from DIKU as well as Carsten Lassen, CEO of Specialisterne.
25 Aug. - 26 Aug. 2022 HPC Curriculum Seminar Contemporary competences in High Performance Computing are crucial for industry and research.
12 May 2022, 15:00-16:00 DIREC Talk: How corona changed distributed work – The future challenges in hybrid work On 12 May, Professor Pernille Bjørn, will give af DIREC talk about how corona changed distributed work and what future challenges there might be in hybrid work