
Bioimaging collectively refers to tools for creating and studying structural or functional images of living objects and systems. 

At DIKU we use the term bioimaging for the study of statistics and geometry of 3-dimensional structures observed through microscopes.  Examples are

  • Tomographical reconstruction of protein structures from cryo-electron microscope images
  • Estimating the density of synaptic vesicles in the brain of rats
  • Modelling of nano-domains on plant surfaces.

Our projects are realized in close collaboration with experts from the fields of molecular biology, microscopy, statistics and mathematics, and our prime collaborators are the Center of Stochastic Geometry and Advanced Bioimaging (CSGB) as well as the national instrument center, Center for Advanced Bioimaging (CAB).








More researchers coming soon

Name Title Phone E-mail
Christian Igel Professor +4535335674 E-mail
Jon Sporring Professor E-mail