Updated pest risk assessment of Phytophthora ramorum in Norway: Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Plant Health of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment

Research output: Book/ReportReportCommissionedpeer-review


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  • Thomsen, Iben Margrete
  • Beatrix Alsanius
  • Daniel Flø
  • Paal Krokene
  • Micael Wendell
  • Sandra A. I. Wright
  • Christer Magnusson
  • Johan Stenberg
  • Jorunn Børve
  • Line Nybakken
  • Mogens Nicolaisen
  • May-Guri Sæthre
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationNorge
PublisherVitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø
Number of pages88
ISBN (Electronic)978- 82-8259-430-1
Commissioning bodyMattilsynet
Publication statusPublished - 2023
SeriesVKM Report

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