Mads Nielsen

Mads Nielsen


  1. Udgivet

    Simultaneous registration and bilateral differential bias correction in brain MRI

    Zou, B., Pai, A. S. U., Sørensen, L. & Nielsen, Mads, 2014, Intelligent Imaging: Linking MR Acquisition and Processing.

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  2. Udgivet

    Active Transfer Learning for 3D Hippocampus Segmentation

    Wu, J., Kang, Z., Llambias, Sebastian Nørgaard, Mehdipour Ghazi, Mostafa & Nielsen, Mads, 2023, Medical Image Learning with Limited and Noisy Data - 2nd International Workshop, MILLanD 2023, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023, Proceedings. Xue, Z., Antani, S., Zamzmi, G., Yang, F., Rajaraman, S., Liang, Z., Huang, S. X. & Linguraru, M. G. (red.). Springer, s. 224-234 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Bind 14307 LNCS).

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  3. Udgivet

    Mammographic density and structural features can individually and jointly contribute to breast cancer risk assessment in mammography screening: a case-control study

    Winkel, R. R., von Euler-Chelpin, My Catarina, Nielsen, Mads, Petersen, P. K., Lillholm, Martin, Nielsen, Michael Bachmann, Lynge, Elsebeth, Uldall, W. Y. & Vejborg, I. M. M., 2016, I: B M C Cancer. 16, 12 s., 414.

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  4. Udgivet

    Risk stratification of women with false-positive test results in mammography screening based on mammographic morphology and density: a case control study

    Winkel, R. R., von Euler-Chelpin, My Catarina, Lynge, Elsebeth, Diao, P., Lillholm, Martin, Kallenberg, M., Forman, Julie Lyng, Nielsen, Michael Bachmann, Uldall, W. Y., Nielsen, Mads & Vejborg, I. M. M., aug. 2017, I: Cancer Epidemiology. 49, s. 53-60 8 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Inter-observer agreement according to three methods of evaluating mammographic density and parenchymal pattern in a case control study: impact on relative risk of breast cancer

    Winkel, R. R., von Euler-Chelpin, My Catarina, Nielsen, Mads, Diao, P., Nielsen, Michael Bachmann, Uldall, W. Y. & Vejborg, I. M. M., 2015, I: BMC Cancer. 15, 14 s., 274.

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  6. Udgivet

    The combined effect of mammographic texture and density on breast cancer risk: a cohort study

    Wanders, J. O. P., van Gils, C. H., Karssemeijer, N., Holland, K., Kallenberg, M., Peeters, P. H. M., Nielsen, Mads & Lillholm, Martin, 2018, I: Breast Cancer Research. 20, 10 s., 36.

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  7. Accepteret/In press

    Introduction of one-view tomosynthesis in population-based mammography screening: Impact on detection rate, interval cancer rate and false-positive rate

    Vilmun, B. M., Napolitano, George, Lillholm, M., Winkel, R. R., Lynge, E., Nielsen, Mads, Nielsen, Michael Bachmann, Carlsen, Jonathan Frederik, von Euler-Chelpin, My Catarina & Vejborg, I., 2024, (Accepteret/In press) I: Journal of Medical Screening.

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  8. Udgivet

    Impact of adding breast density to breast cancer risk models: A systematic review

    Vilmun, B. M., Vejborg, I., Lynge, E., Lillholm, Martin, Nielsen, Mads, Nielsen, Michael Bachmann & Carlsen, Jonathan Frederik, jun. 2020, I: European Journal of Radiology. 127, 9 s., 109019.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningfagfællebedømt

  9. Udgivet

    Automatic quantification of congruity from knee MRI

    Tummala, S., Dam, E. & Nielsen, Mads, 2012, Computational Biomechanics for Medicine: deformation and flow. Nielsen, P. M. F., Wittek, A. & Miller, K. (red.). Springer, s. 51-61 11 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Diagnosis of early osteoarthritis by knee joint congruity quantified automatically from MRI

    Tummala, S., Dam, E. B. & Nielsen, Mads, 2011, I: Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 19, Supplement 1, s. S51 1 s., 98.

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