Computer-Aided Assessment of COPD from CT Images

Cronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD, "KOL" in Danish) is a major cause of death and disability worldwide. Yet, the mechanisms behind the development and progression of this disease are not well understood and to date no cure exists.

In this project we develop new techniques to caracterize COPD from CT scans of the lungs and use these techniques to study disease development and progression in a large group of volunteers currently enrolled in the Danish lung cancer screening trial. The project brings together researchers in the disciplines Digital image analysis, Medicine and Pharmacology to improve methods for diagnosis, prognosis, monotoring and eventually treatment of patients with COPD. The key technologies are image registration, segmentation and pattern recognition.

The project is a joint initative of the Image Group at University of Copenhagen and Gentofte University Hospital in Copenhagen. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The mechanisms involved in COPD are not yet well understood and a cure is currently not available. The research project aims to

  • a) develop and evaluate image processing techniques to enable reproducible, localized measurements of lesion morphometry and progression
  • b) study disease development and progression in a large group of smokers currently enrolled in the Danish lung cancer screening trial
  • c) study disease characteristics in patients with rapid decline compared to non-rapid decline of lung function.

This would aid in improving our understanding of pathogenesis of COPD, enable a better risk stratification of the disease, possibly in an earlier, pre-clinical stage, and facilitate monitoring of therapy.

Duration: 2006-2010

Contact: Marleen De Bruijne