Bachelor Programme in Computer Science (Datalogi)
Taught in Danish.
Kursets formål er at give deltagerne en indføring i de centrale begreber, problemstillinger og metoder i fagområderne menneske-datamaskine interaktion og interaktionsdesign. Gennem en kombination af forelæsninger og øvelser skal deltagerne lære, hvad brugsvenlighed er, hvordan brugsvenlige systemer designes, og hvordan man kan evaluere brugergrænseflader.
Taught in English.
The aim of the course is to teach students to design and develop for virtual reality (VR). Participants will learn to develop for VR in a standard tool such as Unity, create interactions between avatar bodies and virtual objects, and design selection and manipulation techniques for VR. The course focuses both on the technical aspects of VR as well on the human-centred aspects. These skills are needed to develop for headset-based VR, but also in developing for other headset-based technologies, such as augmented reality. Learning will happen through lectures and hands-on VR development exercises.
Bachelor Programme in Communication and IT (Kommunikation og IT)
Taught in Danish.
Faglige mål
- referere viden om centrale begreber og modeller angående interaktion og brugsvenlighed
- vurdere og argumentere for anvendeligheden af udvalgte begreber og modeller til undersøgelse af en bestemt problemstilling vedrørende brugsvenlighed
- gennemføre og fortolke en mindre brugsvenlighedsevaluering
- redegøre for hensigtsmæssige valg ved opbygningen af en brugergrænseflade.
Master's Programme in Computer Science
Taught in English.
The aim of the course is to introduce participants to advanced topics in human-centered computing (HCC). HCC spans computer-supported cooperative work, human-computer interaction, participatory design, software development, and advanced interaction techniques.
Taught in English.
The course gives an overview of mobile computing interfaces, focusing on both mobile phones and more recent mobile technologies, such as smart watches and augmented reality interfaces. The course sheds light on two fundamental aspects of mobile computing: (1) the technological foundations of mobile computing interfaces; and (2) the user interface requirements for such novel computing interfaces.
Taught in English.
The course gives participants an understanding of technologies for user interfaces, focusing on emerging interaction styles and new hardware. Participants will learn drawbacks and benefits of user interface technologies for different tasks and use contexts. In addition, they will learn about current research challenges for user interface technology.
Taught in English.
The course introduces participants to visualization: use of interactive visual representations to help people understand and analyse data. Visualization is central to data-intensive science, business and intelligence analysis, for exploratory data analysis, and for clearly communicating findings in data.