TA and AL job descriptions block 1 and 2, 2024-25

Read about the assignments you are required to handle as a teaching assistant or assistant lecturer in courses at the Department of Computer Science. 

Please indicate on the application whether you are also interested in extra hours as a student ambassador during the first year of the master's program.

Computer Science


Course organiser: Jacob Holm, jaho@di.ku.dk

There are 2 x 2 hours of exercises per week. The norm is that you get 1.5 hours of preparation for each of these hours.

In addition, the students will have 6 assignments to be handed in in groups, of which 4 have to be passed, and this includes a re-handin. The TAs will correct/comment these assignments including re-handins.  Each TA is expected to be responsible for about 15 groups.

It is expected that TAs help prepare instructions and assignments for exercise classes and the course page, to prepare and give exercise classes, participate in e-mail correspondence about TA tasks, help administer the course home page and participate in the forum at absalon.



Course organizer: Panagiotis Karras, piekarras@gmail.com

Being a TA for Advanced Computer Systems (ACS) involves primarily: (a) supporting students with the theory/programming assignments; (b) holding weekly TA exercise sessions; (c) grading assignments; (d) helping with pre-grading of the exam assignment.

For activity (a) to work out, we typically ask new TAs to work a bit in advance of the course with the code base used for the assignments. This makes a dramatic difference on how much help you can offer to your fellow students during the course. Also, a large chunk of (b) is dedicated to Q&A on the assignments. So the advance investment you make into the code base reflects in higher quality and lower work during the teaching weeks.

Activity (d) is about the same effort that a TA would put into grading one of the assignments. But it must happen in the week after the exam.

The regular teaching weeks aside, the TAs are expected to help out well in advance of the course and in the week after the exam week. During regular teaching weeks, I TAs are expected to devote 10-15 hours to TA tasks and outside regular teaching weeks 1-5 hours.   TAs are expected to prepare for, and hold exercise sessions, come to weekly TA meetings, participate in email correspondence about TA tasks, participate in the forum on the course website and help students outside of regular hours.

In connection with admitting students to the exam, TAs are expected to help with correcting and approving homework assignments. In connection with holding the exam help will be needed with correcting and approving homework assignments.



Course organizer: Andrzej Filinski, andrzej@di.ku.dk

The major parts of the TA work consist of preparing for and holding weekly lab/exercise sessions, and giving feedback on the weekly hand-ins of assignments. We expect to again use the OnlineTA system; thus, there may also be some work in preparing assignments for this system, and other practical assistance during the course. But hopefully, OnlineTA will lessen the burden of menial correction of student hand-ins. Also, TAs are expected to come to weekly TA meetings, participate in email correspondence about TA tasks, participate in the forum on the course website, and help students outside of regular hours.

The languages used in AP are: Haskell, Erlang, and possibly Prolog.

The regular teaching weeks aside, the TAs are expected to help out well in advance of the course (planning and setup), in the week before the exam week (pre-testing the assignment), and in the weeks after the exam (testing/pre-grading the student submissions). During regular teaching weeks, TAs are expected to devote approximately 15 hours to TA tasks, and a total of 25-30 hours outside of those weeks.



Course organiser: Stefan Sommer sommer@di.ku.dk

ATDL is an advanced course in deep learning, and TAs should have experience with deep learning and a good command of deep learning techniques.

The tasks of the TAs include:
• Advising students in the exercise classes and guiding the students in their project work.
• Correcting assignments and monitoring the online class forum.
• Participating in a weekly TA meeting (about 1 hour).
Overall workload is about 15 hours / week throughout the block.

For more details about the TA job, please, contact the course organizer (Stefan Sommer, sommer@di.ku.dk







Course organiser: Amartya Sanyal amsa@di.ku.dk

The tasks of the TAs include:

  • Advising students in the exercise classes (e.g., answering questions regarding the material presented in the lecture). There is one three hour exercise class per week.
  • Presenting reference solutions in the exercise classes.
  • Correcting weekly home assignments and monitoring the online class forum.
  • Participating in a weekly TA meeting (about 1 hour).

Overall workload is about 15 hours / week throughout the block.

TAs are required to have very good command of machine learning, as demonstrated for example by a good grade in "Advanced Topics in Machine Learning" course. TAs are also required to have strong math skills (linear algebra, analysis, and probability theory).

For more details about the TA job, please, contact the course organizer Amartya Sanyal, amsa@di.ku.dk



Course organiser: Boris Düdder, boris.d@di.ku.dk

TA tasks:

  • attending TA-meetings
  • commenting on obligatory exercises
  • weekly excercise classes
  • answering questions in class forum

See the course description.





Kursusansvarlig: Michael Kirkedal Thomsen, m.kirkedal@di.ku.dk , Telefon: 35336154

Computer Systems runs over the entire first semester. The main task of the TA work consists of preparing for and holding weekly lab/exercise sessions and grading and giving feedback on the handed-in assignments.

Furthermore, the TAs are expected to help out in advance of and during the course with testing the curriculum, forming of exercises, assignments and tutorials as well as other miscellaneous tasks.

TA tasks include:

  • Dry-run exercises and assignments.
  • Prepare for and hold exercise and lab sessions.
  • Grade and give feedback to hand-in of assignments.
  • Attend weekly meetings.
  • Be active (and helpful) on the course website forums.

Most task are flexible and can be performed outside of regular working hours.



Course organiser: Omry Ross, omri@di.ku.dk

TA tasks:

  • attending TA-meetings
  • commenting on obligatory exercises
  • weekly excercise classes
  • answering questions in class forum

See the course description.



Course organiser: Stefan Sommer, sommer@di.ku.dk

TA tasks:

  • attending TA-meetings
  • commenting on obligatory exercises
  • weekly excercise classes
  • answering questions in class forum

See the course description.










Kursusansvarlig: Mikkel Abrahamsen, miab@di.ku.dk

Disket Matematik og Algoritmer (DMA) vil give de studerende en introduktion til diskret matematik, algoritmer og datastrukturer. Kurset er på første år og løber over 2 blokke (blok 1 og blok 2). De studerende vil se simple eksempler på anvendelse af diskret matematik til konkrete algoritmer. Vi forventer, at instruktorerne til DMA har taget kurser i diskret matematik og indledende algoritmik, f.eks. DMA eller DMFS og evt. AD.

Kurset vil blive opbygget omkring forelæsninger og øvelsestimer. Eksamen består en række hjemmeopgaver.

Som instruktor på DMA skal du:

  • ugentligt varetage 3x2 timers øvelsestimer,  
  • ugentligt deltage i 1 times instruktormøde typisk fredag i frokostpausen,
  • ugentligt varetage evaluering af de studerendes løbende afleveringer (11-13 i alt i løbet af kurset) og give feedback til de studerende  
  • løbende deltage i dialog med de studerende via Absalon, e-mail, etc.  
  • deltage som lektiehjælper på studiecaféen efter en turnusordning, typisk 4 gange i alt.  

Interesserede er meget velkomne til at kontakte Mikkel Abrahamsen (kursusansvarlig).



Course organiser: Christina Lioma, c.lioma@di.ku.dk

TA tasks:

  • attending TA-meetings
  • commenting on obligatory exercises
  • weekly excercise classes
  • answering questions in class forum

See the course description.



Kursusansvarlig: Troels Henriksen, athas@di.ku.dk


  • deltage i instruktormøder
  • give feedback på opgaver/øvelser
  • afholde ugentligt øvelsestimer
  • besvare spørgsmål fra studerende online

Se eventuelt kursusbeskrivelsen på kurser.ku.dk



Course organiser: Sune Darkner (darkner@di.ku.dk)

The TA must have passed the course “Introduction to computer graphics” or equivalent and should be a confident C++ programmer.

The TAs tasks are:

  • Lead the exercise sessions and help students solve the exercises.
  • Give feedback on students solutions to the exercises.
  • Answer course related questions in the discussion board in Absalon.

See the course description here



Underviser: Sten Mogensen, Sten@mogensen.dk

Opgaverne som instruktor på it-projektledelseskurset er primært:

1) Afholdelse af øvelser i ugerne 36-41 og 43

  • Svare på spørgsmål vedr. pensum, og give uddybende oplæg/forklaringer om dette.
  • Opsummere tværgående problemstillinger fra løsningen af forrige uges opgave
  • Vejlede og hjælpe med løsning af indeværende uges opgave
  • samt hvad I og de studerende ellers finder relevant.
  • Give mundtlig feedback til grupper, hvis opgavebesvarelse ikke er godkendt, og som ønsker feedback udover den skriftlige.

Øvelserne afholdes torsdag eftermiddag (eller tirsdag formiddag) i blok 1.

2) Rette ugeopgaver, formentlig efter følgende proces:

  • Besvarelserne ligger i Absalon mandage kl. 18.
  • Senest tirsdag kl. 18 sender I mig jeres bedømmelser af de besvarelser, som I måtte være usikre på, hvordan I skal bedømme (herunder om der skal genafleveres) – typisk 2-3 besvarelser.
  • Senest onsdag kl. 10 får I feedback fra mig på jeres udvalgte bedømmelser, med henblik på at sikre en fælles måde at bedømme besvarelserne på.
  • På instruktormødet (typisk via skype onsdag aften) drøfter vi tværgående forhold vedr. bedømmelserne.
  • Så vidt muligt inden øvelserne torsdag giver I en kort skriftlig feedback på Absalon til hver enkelt gruppe, der har lavet en besvarelse.
  • På øvelserne samler I de ting op, som mange har haft problemer med i besvarelserne, og fortæller, hvordan det kunne have løst. Vis gerne en prototypisk god besvarelse frem, og læg den på Absalon.

Afhængig af den endelige skemaplanlægning kan der ske justeringer af tidspunkterne ovenfor. 


3) Deltage i instruktormøderne

Udover rettelsen af forrige uges opgavebesvarelser drøfter vi her kriterier for rettelse af de kommende ugeopgaver, samt problemstillinger (fx vedr. forståelse af pensum), der har vist sig på øvelserne.

Normalt foregår instruktormøderne som digitale møder onsdage kl 19-20.

4) Lave en forhåndsvurdering af de studerendes eksamensopgavebesvarelser, ud fra en skabelon som jeg laver.

Det er vigtigt at I afsætter god tid hertil i uge 45.



Course organizer: Martin Elsman (mael@di.ku.dk)

The lion’s share of the TA work consists of preparing for and holding weekly lab/exercise sessions and grading and giving feedback on the weekly hand-in of assignments.

Furthermore the TAs are expected in limited amounts to help out in advance of and during the course with planning of the curriculum, forming of exercises, assignments and tutorials as well as other miscellaneous tasks.

TA tasks include:

  • Help design and dry-run exercises and assignments.
  • Prepare for and hold lab sessions.
  • Grade and give feedback to weekly hand-in of assignments.
  • Attend possible weekly meetings.
  • Participate in e-mail correspondence about TA tasks.
  • Be active (and helpful) on the course website forums.

Help students outside of regular working hours.





Course organiser: Sadegh Talebi (m.shahi@di.ku.dk)

The tasks of the TAs include:

  • Advising students in the exercise classes (e.g., answering questions regarding the material presented in the lecture). There is one three hour exercise class per week.
  • Presenting reference solutions in the exercise classes.
  • Correcting weekly home assignments.
  • Participating in a weekly TA meeting (about 1 hour).

Overall workload is about 15 hours / week throughout the block.

TAs are required to have good command of machine learning, as demonstrated for example by a good grade in „Machine Learning“ and/or "Advanced Topics in Machine Learning" courses. TAs are also required to have reasonable math skills (basic linear algebra, analysis, and probability theory should not be scary for you).

You can find a more detailed description of tasks and their time estimates at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YCLTnLDurJwkW7GebfIdNsuAzdNUC907d_dryKF3pP8/

We are also looking for one Master TA. Master TA will be responsible for running the TA team. For this job we are looking for a highly organized person that is punctual, responsible, and likes organizing things. If you would like to be considered for the role of Master TA, please, state it in your application.

For more details about the TA job, please, contact the course organizer Sadegh Talebi, m.shahi@di.ku.dk







Kursusansvarlig: Marc Patrick Brag Klemp,  marc.klemp@econ.ku.dk


  • Afholde ugentlige studieværksteder med hovedfokus på opgaveløsning og individuel hjælp frem for tavleundervisning.
  • Give feedback på opgaver/øvelser.
  • Besvare spørgsmål fra studerende.

Se eventuelt kursusbeskrivelsen på kurser.ku.dk.



Kursusansvarlig: Martin Nørgaard, martin.noergaard@di.ku.dk 

TA tasks: Holding weekly exercise classes, correcting assignments, pre-testing of assignments, participation in weekly TA meetings. 



Kontakt: Bulat Ibragimov (bulat@di.ku.dk)

TA tasks: Holding weekly exercise classes, correcting assignments, pre-testing of assignments, participation in weekly TA meetings.

As a starting point, the workload is about 15 hours a week, but we are willing to be flexible in adapting to the TAs time schedules.



Course organizer: Melanie Ganz-Benjaminsen, Ganz@di.ku.dk

TA tasks:

  • attending TA-meetings
  • commenting on obligatory exercises
  • weekly excercise classes
  • answering questions in class forum

See the course description.



Course organiser: Daniel Hershcovich, dh@di.ku.dk

TA tasks:

  • attending TA-meetings
  • commenting on obligatory exercises
  • weekly excercise classes
  • answering questions in class forum

See the course description.





Kursusansvarlig: Bulat Ibragimov, bulat@di.ku.dk


  • deltage i instruktormøder
  • give feedback på opgaver/øvelser
  • afholde ugentligt øvelsestimer
  • besvare spørgsmål fra studerende online

Se eventuelt kursusbeskrivelsen på kurser.ku.dk



Course organiser: Wouter Boomsma wb@di.ku.dk

TA tasks:

  • attending TA-meetings
  • commenting on obligatory exercises
  • weekly excercise classes
  • answering questions in class forum

See the course description.



Kursusansvarlig: Jon Sporring, sporring@di.ku.dk

Programmering og problemløsning (PoP) underviser i programmering med fokus på de 3 paradigmer, imperativ, funktionel og objektorienteret, og primært sproget er F#. Sidste 3 uger, bliver programmeringskoncepter repeteret i Python. Vi bruger dotnet-platformen, kommandolinjen, overleaf, og latex. Undervisningsformen lægger vægt på programmering som et håndværk og rapportskrivning. Kurset ligger i skema A og grundet antal studerende, vil nogle øvelser ligge i skema C.

Som instruktor på PoP skal du:

  • ugentligt sammenlagt 7 timers øvelsestimer
  • ugentligt deltage i 1 times instruktormøde typisk mandage eller tirsdage i frokostpausen,  
  • ugentligt varetage evaluering af de studerendes løbende afleveringer (12-14 i alt i løbet af kurset) og give feedback til de studerende  
  • løbende deltage i dialog med de studerende via Absalon, e-mail, etc.  
  • deltage som lektiehjælper på lektiecafeen efter en turnusordning, typisk 4 gange i alt.  
  • deltage i en halvdags forberedende workshop i ugen op til kursusstart  
  • evt. deltage i forberedelsen af relevante studerende til reeksamen mellem blok 3 og 4.

Som instruktor på PoP forventes det, at du er god til at programmere og har grundigt kendskab til F# og Python, men det forventes ikke, at du ved alt. Det er heller ikke et krav, at du har instruktor- eller undervisningserfaring, men vi forventer at du er en åben og engageret person, og vi vil i løbet af kurset arbejde med din rolle som instruktor i forhold til de andre undervisningsaktiviteter, som foregår på kurset og på 1. år på datalogi. Undervisning på PoP og i det hele taget på 1. år på datalogiuddannelsen er en holdopgave, og vi lægger vægt på at hele instruktorholdet fungerer godt sammen, og at det er en lærerig og givende oplevelse for alle. Vi vil bestræbe os på at være fleksible mht. planlægning af arbejdsbyrden i forhold til dit studium og forventer, at du vil kunne være fuldtidsstuderende samtidigt med dit instruktorjob.

Kurset bliver kørt et tæt parløb med parallelkurserne på 1. år i Bachelor i Datalogi, i Datalogi og økonomi og i Machine learning og datascience.



Course organizer: Cosmin Oancea, cosmin.oancea@di.ku.dk

The TA will mainly be in charge of grading the weekly assignments (including providing related feedback to students) and moderating the Absalon discussion forum. See the course description.



Kursusansvarlig: Daniel Spikol (ds@di.ku.dk)

Instruktor opgaverne svarer til dem beskrevet nedenfor (Python Programming for Data Science in block 1), da kurserne næsten er ens.

Hvis du er interesseret i at være instruktor på begge Python Programmeringskurserne, så skriv gerne dette i din ansøgning.



Course organiser: Wouter Krogh Boomsma, wb@di.ku.dk & Thomas Wim Hamelryck, thamelry@bio.ku.dk

Python Programming for Data Science is an introductory programming course. It is primarily targeted at Bioinformatics students but typically attracts students broadly from the Science Faculty. The goal of the course to teach students to write short, well-structured programs in Python, with a focus on preprocessing data for downstream data analysis tasks. The course is in Schedule Group B.

As a TA in this course, you are expected to:

  • Help out with interactive teaching sessions. The 2x3 hour weekly lecture-sessions consist of a mix of classic lectures and exercises, and for each session, two TAs are present to help with these exercises.
  • Take turns hosting the 2x2 hour weekly exercise sessions.
  • Participate in online discussions with the students on Absalon, email etc.
  • Helping out with marking exercises

TAs in this course are expected to be confident Python programmers. You don't need to know everything, but you should be open to interacting with the students and try to give them a positive experience with learning their first programming language.




Course organiser: Serge Belongie, s.belongie@di.ku.dk

TA tasks:

- Correction of 4-5 mandatory assignments and feedback. One assignment is individual, the rest is in groups.

- Weekly pre-meetings of about 30 minutes.

- 2 hours help with assignments in class.

- One final grading meeting.



Course organiser: Kasper Hornbæk (kash@di.ku.dk)

TA tasks:

  • attending TA-meetings
  • commenting of obligatory exercises
  • weekly excercise classes
  • answering questions on class forum
  • individual ad-hoc advising/follow-up

See the course description.



Course organiser: Joanna Bergström, joanna@di.ku.dk

Course Description

The aim of the course is to teach students to design and develop for virtual reality (VR). Participants will learn to develop for VR in a standard tool such as Unity, create interactions between avatar bodies and virtual objects, and design selection and manipulation techniques for VR. The course focuses both on the technical aspects of VR as well as on the human-centred aspects. These skills are needed to develop for headset-based VR, but also in developing for other headset-based technologies, such as augmented reality. Learning will happen through lectures and hands-on VR development exercises.

See more at https://kurser.ku.dk/course/ndab20008u/2020-2021


The TAs are expected to take on the following responsibilities:

  • Help preparing programming assignments. 
  • Hold exercise classes on developing for VR and supervise project work of student groups during the regular weekly classes.
  • Help, discuss, and answer the students’ questions online on the course forums and website.
  • Participate in weekly TA meetings with the course coordinator.
  • Help giving feedback for, and grading hand-ins.


The position as a TA for Virtual Reality requires proficiency with C# and experience with the Unity workflow. We will need 2 TAs for the course. The workload for each TA will be up to 135 hours in total (approximately 15 hours a week). This includes 3-4 hours of in-class assistance, weekly meeting of 1 hour, and assignment planning, online guidance of students, and hand-in evaluation tasks. 



Kursusansvarlig: Jakob Egholt Søgaard, jes@econ.ku.dk  


  • Deltage i 2-3 instruktormøder
  • Afholde ugentligt øvelsestimer (3 dobbelt lektioner pr. uge)
  • Give feedback på hjemmeopgaver (3 i alt)

Kurset svarer i store træk til Økonometri 1 på Økonomi.

Se også kursusbeskrivelsen på kurser.ku.dk: https://kurser.ku.dk/course/ndab20005u/2022-2023


Communication and IT


Course organiser: Irina Shklovski, ias@di.ku.dk, & Rasmus Helles, rashel@hum.ku.dk

TA tasks:

  • attending TA-meetings
  • commenting on obligatory exercises
  • weekly excercise classes
  • answering questions in class forum

See the course description.


Course organiser: Anne Mette Thorhauge, thorhaug@hum.ku.dk

TA tasks:

  • attending TA-meetings
  • commenting on obligatory exercises
  • weekly excercise classes
  • answering questions in class forum

See the course description.



Course organiser:  Sofie Flensburg sofie.flensburg@hum.ku.dk

The TA is expected to prepare for, and hold exercise sessions, be present at the weekly TA meetings (likely online), participate in email correspondence about TA tasks, participate in the forum on the course website and help students outside of regular hours. The TA is also expected to help with 4 obligatory homework assignments including providing the students with feedback and making a preliminary assessment of the homework assignments (pass/fail level), which will be finally approved by the lecturer. See more at https://kurser.ku.dk/course/hkmb00301u/2021-2022

The TA will be responsible for running classes 2x2 hours a week and there will be 3 groups of students.



Kursusansvarlig: Morten Misfeldt, misfeldt@di.ku.dk

The course teaches basic programming using JavaScript and HTML, it is introductory and programming will be foreign to a large part of the students. We are looking for CS students, IT-KOM students and other students with knowledge about programming and interest in teaching it.

The main purpose is to run tutorials with students (twice a week, 2-3 hours each). The exercises are defined already, so the TA is expected to prepare herself/himself in advance of the tutorials. In addition, TAs are expected to assess the weekly assignments (pass/fail), of which students have to hand in 4 in the entire semester. You are also expected to help the students with their final project.

It is usually a lot of fun to help the students, and we do an effort to keep a good and positive sprit even though the tasks are sometimes difficoult.

We will need 5 TAs for the course. During regular teaching weeks, the TAs is expected to devote 5-10 hours to TA tasks.

The TAs are expected to prepare for, and hold exercise sessions, come to weekly TA meetings, participate in the forum on the course website and help students outside of regular hours. In connection with admitting students to the exam, TAs are expected to help with correcting and approving homework assignments.



Course organiser: Anne Mette Thorhauge thorhaug@hum.ku.dk

TA tasks:

  • attending TA-meetings
  • commenting on obligatory exercises
  • weekly excercise classes
  • answering questions in class forum

See the course description.