TA positions at DIKU blocks 3 and 4

Read about the assignments you are required to handle as a TA in courses at the Department of Computer Science.

General info regarding workload

7,5 ECTS courses equal 130 hours distributed over one block
15 ECTS courses equal 260 hours distributed over two blocks

Please check the course catalog for more information about the specific courses.


Kontakt: Daniel Spikol ds@di.ku.dk

Kickstartkurset er et forberedende kursus, som afholdes i august inden studiestart.

Tasks: Afholde workshops og introducere kodning til nye studerende uden kodebaggrund.


BSc Computer Science


Course organiser: Rasmus Pagh, pagh@di.ku.dk.

The TA tasks consist of a weekly meeting with the course lecturers, two weekly exercise sessions with students, correcting weekly assignments handed in by students, and taking part in correcting the final written exam.



The former course in Artificiel Intelligence (AI)

Contact: Stefan Sommer, sommer@di.ku.dk

Tasks include: 

  • correcting hand-ins of assignments
  • conducting exercise classes
  • helping students with the exercises they work on



Contact: Dmitriy Traytel, traytel@di.ku.dk

Tasks include: 

  • correcting hand-ins of assignments
  • conducting exercise classes
  • helping students with the exercises they work on



Contact: Desmond Elliott, de@di.ku.dk

Data Science is a new BSc course and part of the Data Science specialisation. Teaching assistants should have have a full BSc in Computer Science and ideally knowledge of introductory Data Science; e.g, as obtained through either machine learning or data Science MSc. courses. The core topics covered in the course are: data integration, reading of structured text, databases, model design and implementation, and data exploration & visualisation.

Specific TA tasks could include:

  1. Supervision of project work of student groups during regular weekly classes.
  2. Offer exercise classes, and address student questions (both in-class and in forums).
  3. Participate in weekly TA meetings.
  4. Validate assignments and exam to provide estimates of effort to lecturers.
  5. Evaluate assignments and provide some assistance concerning exam evaluations.

Further details can be found in the course description.



Course organiser: Jakob Nordström, jn@di.ku.dk.

Tasks include:

  • Classroom teaching with a focus on homework assignments
  • Participation in weekly TA meetings
  • Correction of assignments and exams



Contact: Jesper Riis-Vestergaard Sørensen, jrvs@econ.ku.dk

Tasks include: 

  • correcting hand-ins of assignments
  • conducting exercise classes
  • helping students with the exercises they work on


Course organiser: Desmond Elliot de@di.ku.dk

The TA tasks will involve:

  • meetings with course organizers at most once a week,
  • bi-weekly exercise sessions with students, and correcting weekly assignments handed in by students

In the exercise sessions, the TA should help students with exercises. 






Kontakt: Maria Juul Hansen, maria.juul.hansen@econ.ku.dk


  • Bedømme og kommentere de studerendes besvarelser af 3-4 obligatoriske opgaver. Der lægges vægt på konstruktive tilbagemeldinger.
  • Afholde øvelsestimer af 2 timers varighed 3 gange ugentligt (mandag kl. 8-10, tirsdag kl. 13-15 og fredag kl. 8-10), hvor der regnes opgaver i pensum.
  • Vejlede studerende med opgaver, de arbejder på i faget.
  • Holde kursusansvarlig opdateret på de studerendes faglige udvikling i undervisningsforløbet.
  • Gerne kendskab til (simpel) programmering Python og ellers villighed til at sætte sig ind i det.



Course organiser: Andrzej Filinski, andrzej@di.ku.dk.

TAs are expected to:

  • Correcting submissions of weekly assignments and term project, and providing feedback to students 
  • Conducting exercise classes, and helping students with assignments and project 
  • Participating in weekly TA meetings 



Kursusansvarlig: Kasper Hornbæk, kash@di.ku.dk.


  • Gennemgå relevante tidligere eksamensopgaver ved øvelser.
  • Vejlede studerende i løsning af obligatoriske opgaver ved 2 ugentlige øvelser af 2 timer.
  • Bedømme og kommentere de studerendes besvarelser af obligatoriske opgaver.Der lægges vægt på konstruktive tilbagemeldinger.
  • Deltage i et ugentligt instruktormøde af ca. 1 times varighed.

Instruktorer skal helst have haft Interaktionsdesign eller det tilsvarende tidligere kursus ”Menneske-datamaskine interaktion”. Instruktorer skal tale og forstå dansk perfekt.






Contact: Laura Sunder-Plassmann, sunder-plassmann@econ.ku.dk

Tasks include: 

  • correcting hand-ins of assignments
  • conducting exercise classes
  • helping students with the exercises they work on



Course organiser: Morten Graugaard Olsen, mgo@econ.ku.dk

Tasks include:

  • correcting hand-ins of assignments
  • conducting exercise classes
  • helping students with the exercises they work on



Contact: Anders Munk-Nielsen, amn@econ.ku.dk

Tasks include: 

  • correcting hand-ins of assignments
  • conducting exercise classes
  • helping students with the exercises they work on


Course organiser: Simon Bruntse Andersen sba@di.ku.dk

The TA tasks will involve:

  • meetings with course organizers at most once a week,
  • bi-weekly exercise sessions with students, and correcting weekly assignments handed in by students

In the exercise sessions, the TA should help students with exercises. 



Course organiser: Torben Ægidius Mogensen, torbenm@di.ku.dk

  • The tasks will be to correct hand-ins of weekly assignments and to attend exercise classes, helping students with the exercises they work on.




Course organiser: Jacob Holm jaho@di.ku.dk

The TA tasks will involve:

  • meetings with course organizers at most once a week,
  • bi-weekly exercise sessions with students, and correcting weekly assignments handed in by students

In the exercise sessions, the TA should help students with exercises. 


Course organiser: Kenny Erleben kenny@di.ku.dk

The TA tasks will involve:

  • meetings with course organizers at most once a week,
  • bi-weekly exercise sessions with students, and correcting weekly assignments handed in by students

In the exercise sessions, the TA should help students with exercises. 




Contact: Boris Düdder, boris.d@di.ku.dk.

Tasks include:

  • helping in preparing group projects and associated weekly exercises;
  • supervising weekly exercise sessions (one 4 hour session/week);
  • participating in maintaining course web site, including discussion forum;
  • supporting students interactively online and during ad-hoc office hours;
  • attending the weekly instructors' meeting (1 hour/week)
  • reviewing and commenting weekly/biweekly group project deliverables and final reports

Work load per TA: approx. 15 hours per week, up to 135 hours in total.



MSc Computer Science

Course organiser: Joanna Emilia Bergström joanna@di.ku.dk

The teaching assistants are expected to take on the following responsibilities: 

  • Help preparing the course schedule and updating Absalon.  
  • Help, discuss, and answer the students’ questions about the assignments in the classes, in TA office hours, and online on Absalon. 
  • Help giving assignment feedback for, and grading hand-ins. 
  • Participate in TA meetings 

And these for Requirements:  

  • The position as a TA for ATHCC requires that you have taken the course before. We will need 1-2 TAs for the course. The work load for each TA will be up to 135 hours in total (approximately 15 hours a week). This includes in average a weekly 4 hours of in-class assistance, weekly office hours, planning meetings with the course teachers, online guidance, and bi-weekly evaluation tasks. 



Course organiser: Abraham George Smith, ags@di.ku.dk.

The position as TA for Applied Programming requires programming solid experience with C++ (c++ 11) including templates. The TA role is to help the students during exercises 8-9 hrs a week. We run the program as a flipped class-room and at least one or both lectures will be present during class. For further information please contact Abraham George Smith.



Contact: Rasmus Pagh, pagh@di.ku.dk

Tasks include: 

  • correcting hand-ins of assignments
  • conducting exercise classes
  • helping students with the exercises they work on



Course organiser: Jakob Nordström jn@di.ku.dk

The tasks will be to correct hand-ins of weekly assignments and to attend exercise classes, helping students with the exercises they work on.



Course organiser: Mikkel Vind Abrahamsen – e-mail: miab@di.ku.dk

Tasks include:

  • Classroom teaching with a focus on homework assignments
  • Participation in weekly TA meetings
  • Correction of assignments



Course organiser: Kenny Erleben, kenny@di.ku.dk.

As TA on CMIS you will be working closely together with the teachers. Your tasks will mostly be correcting students hand-ins and take part in giving input during the grading. You will help students acquire a sufficient understanding of simulation methods such that they can implement and play with these methods. Most classes are done by teachers leaving a large degree of freedom in picking one’s own work schedule, the work is extremely flexible as long as deadlines are meet.


Course organiser: Pernille Bjørn, bjorn@di.ku.dk

The TA tasks will involve:

  • meetings with course organizers at most once a week,
  • bi-weekly exercise sessions with students, and correcting weekly assignments handed in by students

In the exercise sessions, the TA should help students with exercises. 



Course organizer: Daniel Hershcovich, dh@di.ku.dk.

The work load will be up to 135 hours in total (approximately 15 hours per week).

The tasks include:

  • Classroom teaching with a focus on homework assignments
  • Participation in weekly TA meetings
  • Correction of assignments
  • Test-computation of assignments.

Applicants should be strong on the fundamentals of data science and enjoy the challenge of teaching motivated students with very variable backgrounds.

Course organiser: Daniel Lee Ashbrook – e-mail: dan@di.ku.dk 

Tasks include: 

  • Correcting hand-ins of assignments
  • Conducting exercise classes
  • Helping students with assignments, projects, and related hardware and software
  • Testing assignments and projects before they are  handed out to students



Course organiser: Christina Lioma, c.lioma@di.ku.dk

Tasks include:

  • Classroom teaching with a focus on homework assignments
  • Participation in weekly TA meetings
  • Correction of assignments



Contact: Oswin Krause, krause@di.ku.dk

Tasks include: 

  • correcting hand-ins of assignments
  • conducting exercise classes
  • helping students with the exercises they work on


Course organizer: Sadegh Talebi, m.shahi@di.ku.dk

  • The major tasks of the TAs include:
    • Advising students in the exercise classes (mainly helping with the home assignments and with understanding of the course material). There is one three-hour exercise class per week.
    • Correcting weekly home assignments.
    • Participating in weekly TA meetings.
    • The TAs may be asked to present reference solutions to selected questions from the home assignments.

Preference will be given to candidates who have taken the course in previous years or learned the material from other sources. For more details about the job opportunity, please, contact the course organizer.



Course organizer: Ken Friis Larsen, kflarsen@di.ku.dk.

The lion’s share of the TA work consists of preparing for and holding weekly lab/exercise sessions and grading and giving feedback on the weekly hand-in of assignments.

Furthermore the TAs are expected to help out well in advance of the course with planning of the curriculum, forming of exercises, assignments and tutorials as well as other  miscellaneous tasks. The TAs are also expected to be available in the week following the exam week as well as three weeks after the exam for helping out with practical tasks in connection with the grading.

TAs are expected to devote 10-15 hours to TA tasks per week. TA tasks include:

  • Design tutorials to be used during the lab sessions and published on the course website.
  • Help design and dry-run exercises and assignments.
  • Prepare for and hold lab sessions.
  • Grade and give feedback to weekly hand-in of assignments.
  • Attend weekly meetings.
  • Participate in e-mail correspondence about TA tasks.
  • Be active (and helpful) on the course website forums.
  • Help students outside of regular working hours.


Course organizer: Robert Glück glueck@di.ku.dk

  • The tasks will be to correct hand-ins of weekly assignments and to attend exercise classes, helping students with the exercises they work on.




Course organiser: Jacob Holm, jaho@di.ku.dk.

The TA tasks will involve mainly correcting exercises (about 10 hours a week). Optionally, you can also do the exercise class (2 hours together) a week.





Course organiser: Kim Steenstrup Pedersen, kimstp@di.ku.dk.

The TA tasks are:

  • Lead the exercise sessions and help students solve exercises
  • Grade and give feedback on students solutions to exercises



Course organiser: Tijs Slaats, slaats@di.ku.dk.

Course Description
The Software Engineering course focusses on the practical aspects of running a large scale software development process, including project management, requirements elicitation, software design and testing. The course is centered around a large scale software development project that is undertaken by the class as a whole.

The teaching assistants are expected to take on the following responsibilities:

  • Supervision of project work by student groups during regular weekly classes.
  • Address student questions (both in-class and in forums).
  • Participate in weekly TA meetings with the course coordinator.
  • Evaluate the progress of student groups based on regular handins.

We will need 2 TAs for the course. During regular teaching weeks, the TA is expected to devote approximately 5-10 hours to TA tasks. An ideal candidate has followed the software engineering course before, but a similar course or professional experience with large software projects may be an adequate alternative.




Contact: Daniel Lee Ashbrook, dan@di.ku.dk

Tasks include: 

  • Correcting hand-ins of assignments
  • Conducting exercise classes
  • Helping students with  assignments, projects, and related hardware and software
  • Testing assignments and projects before they are handed out to students



Contact: Maria Maistro, mm@di.ku.dk

Tasks include:

  • Classroom teaching with a focus on homework assignments
  • Participation in weekly TA meetings
  • Correction of assignments


Health Informatics


Kontakt: Thomas Troels Hildebrandt, hilde@di.ku.dk

Tasks include:

  • støtte studerende i gruppearbejde
  • hjælpe med litteratursøgning
  • afholde workshops
  • rette opgaver



Course organizer: Tariq Osman, tariq@di.ku.dk.

Tasks include:

  • støtte studerende i gruppearbejde
  • analyse af cases om sundheds-it infrastruktur
  • hjælpe med litteratursøgning
  • afholde workshops
  • rette opgaver



Course organizer: Thomas Troels Hildebrandt, hilde@di.ku.dk

Tasks include:

  • Supporting students in working as a group
  • Assist students in searching for literature  
  • Holding workshops for the students
  • Correction of assignments


Communication and IT


Course organiser: Klaus Østergaard, k.ostergaard@di.ku.dk & Sofie Flensburg, sofie.flensburg@hum.ku.dk

The TA tasks will involve:

  • meetings with course organizers at most once a week,
  • bi-weekly exercise sessions with students, and correcting weekly assignments handed in by students

In the exercise sessions, the TA should help students with exercises. 





Contact: Rasmus Helles, rashel@hum.ku.dk  & Anders Søgaard, soegaard@hum.ku.dk

The TA tasks will involve:

  • meetings with course organizers at most once a week,
  • bi-weekly exercise sessions with students, and correcting weekly assignments handed in by students

In the exercise sessions, the TA should help students with exercises.