Antonius Marinus Bogers

Antonius Marinus Bogers

Guest Researcher

I am an assistant professor at the Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS) in Copenhagen, Denmark, where I am a member of the IIIA group. I joined the RSLIS in October 2009. In December 2009, I received my Ph.D. at the Tilburg centre for Creative Computing, Tilburg School of Humanities at Tilburg University(TU) under the supervision of prof. dr. Antal van den Bosch, who (at the time) led theILK research group I was a part of. I hold M.A. degrees in Information Management (2001) and Computational Linguistics & AI (2004) from Tilburg University.

I am a member of the following professional organisations: the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group (BCS-IRSG), as well as a former member of the Netherlands Research School for Information and Knowledge Systems (SIKS).

My publications include journal articles, conference papers, and workshop papers, published internationally, often with collaborators from a widespread network of researchers. I have acted as program committee member or reviewer for many high-quality conferences and journals, such as SIGIR, ECIR, CIKM, EACL, and ACM TOIS.

Primary fields of research

My general research interests lie in the fields of recommender systems, social bookmarking, and information retrieval. My current research concerns applying information access technologies, such as search, browsing and recommendation to unlocking large information collections. I am also interested in Internet research in general.



Bachelor level

• Digital Knowledge Systems (Fall 2011, Fall 2012, RSLIS)
• Information Architecture and Online Information Retrieval (Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, RSLIS)

Master's level

 Collective Intelligence (Spring 2011, RSLIS)
• Indexing: Man vs. Crowd vs. Machine (Fall 2012, RSLIS)
• Information Search, Retrieval & Recommendation (Fall 2007, Fall 2008, TU)
• Interaction Design (Spring 2012, RSLIS)
• Systems- and User Evaluation (Spring 2011, Fall 2012, RSLIS)
• Unlocking Cultural Heritage (Fall 2010, Fall 2012, RSLIS)


Master's theses

 Rasmus Wernersen (2012), Op og ned med — En kortlægning af brugermotivation på sociale nyhedssider ['Ups and Downs on — What Motivates People to Use Social News Sites', in Danish], Master’s thesis, RSLIS 
 Mihaela Boock-Jensen (2012), Preserving our Motion Picture Heritage, Master’s thesis, RSLIS
 Mikkel Nohr Jensen (2011), User Engagement in Virtual Museums, Master’s thesis, RSLIS
 Edda Hrund Svanhildardottir and Ferroudja Kheddache (2011), A Comparison of Folksonomies and Taxonomies for Search, Master’s thesis, RSLIS
 Rune Rosenborg Rasmussen and Louis Sebastian Bo Jensen(2011), Undersøgelse af serendipity i et kontrolleret miljø og introduktion af serendiary som kvalitativ metode ['Measuring Serendipity', in Danish], Master’s thesis, RSLIS
 Joost Kneepkens (2009), Recommending Articles for an Online Newspaper, Master’s thesis Human Aspects of Information Technology, TU
 Ruud Liebregts (2008), Design, Development, and Implementation of a University-wide Expert Search Engine, Master’s thesis Human Aspects of Information Technology, TU. Won second-best Tilburg University MA thesis 2007-2008.
• Patrick de Man and Peter Garama (2008), Finding Images Fast With Folksonomies, Master’s thesis Business Communication and Digital Media, TU
• Klaas Kox (2008), Using Citation Analysis for Expert Finding in Workgroups, Master’s thesis Business Communication and Digital Media, TU
• Willem Thoonen (2006). Expertise in werkgroepen ('Expertise in Workgroups', in Dutch), Master’s thesis Business Communication and Digital Media, TU

Bachelor theses

• Jeff Schram (2010). Using Clustering for the Visualization of Expert Search Results, Bachelor thesis Business Communication and Digital Media, TU

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