A New-Growth Perspective on Non-Renewable Resources

Research output: Working paper


  • 0626

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This article reviews issues related to the incorporation of non-renewable resources in the theory of economic growth and development. As an offshoot of the new growth theory of the last two decades a series of contributions have studied endogenous technical change in relation to resource scarcity. We discuss the main approaches within this literature and consider questions like: How is the new literature related to the wave of resource economics of the 1970s? What light is thrown on the limits-to-growth issue? Does the existence of non-renewable resources have implications for the controversies within new growth theory?
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationCph.
PublisherDepartment of Economics, University of Copenhagen
Number of pages38
Publication statusPublished - 2006

    Research areas

  • Faculty of Social Sciences - endogenous growth, innovation, non-renewable resources, knife-edge conditions, robustness

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ID: 314670