Consistent and efficient event-driven architecture

The CEEDA project is affiliated with the Software, Data, People & Society research section at Department of Computer Science, Copenhagen University, funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark. The overall goal is to provide new knowledge and build research capacity in the foundations for data management technologies supporting event-driven architectures.


Background and Objectives:

The profound digital transformation of society leads to a variety of disruptive trends, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Cities, and Big Data. They raise the need for novel approaches to software architectures in order to handle the ever-growing dynamicity of business and to make decisions in real-time based on events. Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) is a key technology to achieving this goal. EDA is a loosely coupled software architecture where each component executes upon receiving an event. EDA, therefore, is the key to enabling a real-time event flow across components in a digital eco-system and hence enables a quick and agile response to the change of business. 

In this project, we will envision the next generation of EDA and develop an innovative EDA programming framework with high data consistency and high system efficiency to simplify the development of complex digital EDA systems. Applications within IoT, Logistics, and e-Commerce will be used as case studies and evaluation scenarios.

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