Employees in the Programming Language & Theory of Computation Section

The section performs research in programming language technology and in the theory of computation. Much of the work involves topics in the intersection of programming language theory (e.g., algorithmic aspects of programming and formal verification), and applications (e.g., computer security and privacy, systems, distributed ledger technology, and fintech).

Learn more about our research and teaching on our section website.

Name Title
Aleksandar Topic Guest Researcher Billede af Aleksandar Topic
Andrzej Filinski Associate Professor Billede af Andrzej Filinski
Carl Fredrik Eriksson IT Officer, FU Billede af Carl Fredrik Eriksson
Carl-Johannes Johnsen Guest Researcher Billede af Carl-Johannes Johnsen
Cosmin Eugen Oancea Associate Professor Billede af Cosmin Eugen Oancea
David Gray Marchant Postdoc Billede af David Gray Marchant
Eric Jul Professor Emeritus Billede af Eric Jul
Fritz Henglein Professor Billede af Fritz Henglein
Hans Hüttel Associate Professor Billede af Hans Hüttel
Ivan Luiz Picoli Postdoc Billede af Ivan Luiz Picoli
James Emil Avery Associate Professor Billede af James Emil Avery
Jonas Dornonville de la Cour Guest Researcher Billede af Jonas Dornonville de la Cour
Jonathan Voersaa Wenshøj Academic Research Staff Billede af Jonathan Voersaa Wenshøj
Klaus Grue Emeritus Billede af Klaus Grue
Mads Emil Koefoed Rehof Research Assistant Billede af Mads Emil Koefoed Rehof
Martin Elsman Professor Billede af Martin Elsman
Matilde Mouritsen Broløs PhD Fellow Billede af Matilde Mouritsen Broløs
Michael Kirkedal Thomsen Associate Professor Billede af Michael Kirkedal Thomsen
Mikkel Kragh Mathiesen Postdoc Billede af Mikkel Kragh Mathiesen
Nikolaj Hey Hinnerskov PhD Fellow Billede af Nikolaj Hey Hinnerskov
Ola Rønning Postdoc Billede af Ola Rønning
Omry Ross Associate Professor Billede af Omry Ross
Per Niklas Callderyd Björkeroth IT Officer, FU Billede af Per Niklas Callderyd Björkeroth
Philippe Bonnet Professor Billede af Philippe Bonnet
Robert Glück Professor Billede af Robert Glück
Sean Kristian Remond Harbo Visiting PhD Student Billede af Sean Kristian Remond Harbo
Thomas Philip Jensen Professor Billede af Thomas Philip Jensen
Thomas Wim Hamelryck Professor Billede af Thomas Wim Hamelryck
Torben Ægidius Mogensen Associate Professor Billede af Torben Ægidius Mogensen
Troels Henriksen Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Billede af Troels Henriksen
William Henrich Due External, Ph.d Student Billede af William Henrich Due