corona virus 2020.04.02 Artificial intelligence to predict corona-patients' risk of needing ventilators Experts at the University of Copenhagen have begun using artificial intelligence to create computer…
International Women's Day 2020.03.06 Happy International Women’s Day: From one to five female professors in 18 months DIKU marks the International Women’s Day by celebrating our four newest female professors. Read her…
DFF grants 2019.10.10 Economic boost for digital research at University of Copenhagen Researchers from Department of Computer Science at University of Copenhagen (DIKU) have received a…
NeurIPS and EMNLP 2019.10.04 Record-breaking number of DIKU-papers accepted at two top conferences Researchers from Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (DIKU) have had five and…
New grants 2019.05.23 Two DIKU researchers receive grants from Independent Research Fund Denmark Associate professors Yongluan Zhou and Yevgeny Seldin have both received approx. DKK 2,9 million…
2018.11.28 RAINBOW has its first Scientific Training Course on offer A PhD course is designed by the ITN network to its Early Stage Researchers and other PhDs and…